Hello this is BBC world news I'm David Eads, the headlines.
大家好 这里是BBC世界新闻头条 我是大卫·伊兹
The UK France and Germany have made a joint appeal to Donald Trump and to Iran's leaders to ease their standoff over Iran's nuclear program.
They say everyone needed to consider the consequences of their actions.
这些国家表示 所有人都要考虑自己行为的后果
Donald Trump has sparked outrage after posting tweets about four Democratic Congress women.
唐纳德·特朗普在推特上发布了关于四名民主党国会女议员的消息 引发众怒
He said they came from countries whose governments are a total catastrophe before suggesting they'd go back to where they came from.
他说 这些人来自那些政府完全一团糟的国家 随后建议他们都回到自己的国家去
South Africa's former President Jacob Zuma is due before a judicial inquiry to answer allegations that he oversaw a web of corruption.
南非前总统雅各布·祖马将接受司法调查 回答有关他监管腐败网络的指控
China's economy grew at its slowest pace in almost three decades in the past three months.
过去三个月 中国经济增速降至近30年来的最低水平
Analysts say the economy has taken a hit from the trade war with the United States and from weakening global demand.
分析人士说 其原因是经济受到了中美国贸易战和全球需求疲软的冲击