If I'm a merit finder, I would look the exact same experiences and interpret them very differently.
Because I have very different neural pathways in the brain. Of course, there are consequences to how we interpret our experiences.
Not necessarily that things happen for the best, but as a merit, as a benefit finder, sorry, I change that.
As a benefit finder, looking more at the, at the positive with each experience.
Now remember the study on the identical twins and how much genes actually matter. That only account for 55% of the variance.
So here is the story that's told in many intro to psych textbooks

And it's about twins who were raised in a same home and their father was abusive toward them, toward their mother.
He was very often drunk, very often on drugs, and really an awful, awful childhood, the worst you can imagine.
And these twins grow up in that home with that father.
And they go off. They leave their home, run away from home later on in life and they reach the age of 30.
And then at the age of 30, a psychologist who is doing research on twins goes and visits them. And he goes to the first twin.
And what he sees there: the twin is in a relationship. He's abusing his family, very often drunk, very often on drugs.