One of the fears that people have when they hear about rituals is they say, well that will take away from my productivity. And if not productivity, creativity.
Not so. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. If you look, yeah, this is a historical research, if you look at all the great artists,
whether it's writers, the Hemingways, whether it's the Davincis, they had a ritual in their life. And the ritual was,
for example, "from 7 to 10 am in the morning, I write, no matter what, 6 to 10 at night, if I am more of a night person, I paint".
They had rituals. And it's because of these rituals that they were able to be creative.
Because then they could think about their subject materials as opposed to million other things: Well, maybe I should be doing something else
and there are other distractions, no! There was a ritual. That's what I did now.

Almost mindless getting there, just like we brush our teeth.
But when they were there, there were space, openness to be creative.
Now the key is to give yourself time to create the ritual. You see, maintaining a ritual, requires some self-discipline, but not a lot.
Creating a ritual requires a lot of self-discipline.
Once again, because we go back to our old habits.
Let's do a quick exercise. So I want you to just take your hands and just fold them. Fold your hands for a minute.
Alright. Now continue folding your hands, only this time, in the opposite direction, meaning this hand below and this hand above.