The first several weeks following her ketamine regimen were "the only time I can say I have felt normal" in 15 years, she says. "It's like you have 50 pounds on your shoulders, and the ketamine takes 40 pounds off."
She's now back in Maine, and the depression has returned.
Her current Medicare insurance won't cover ketamine. She lives on $1,300 a month in disability income. "Knowing it is there and I can't have it is beyond frustrating," she says.
Ketamine is considered a "dirty" drug by scientists—it affects so many pathways and systems in the brain at the same time that it's hard to single out the exact reason it works in the patients it does help.
That's one reason researchers continue to look for better versions of the drug. Another, of course, is that new versions are patentable.
Should Johnson & Johnson's esketamine hit the market, the ketamine pioneers and their research institutions stand to benefit.

Yale's Krystal, NIH's Zarate, and Sinai's Charney, all of whom are on the patent on Charney's wall, will collect royalties based on the drug's sales.
J&J hasn't said anything about potential pricing, but there's every reason to believe the biggest breakthrough in depression treatment since Prozac will be expensive.
Concerns about the side effects of ketamine-style drugs linger. Some patients taking esketamine have reported experiencing disassociation symptoms.
Johnson & Johnson calls the effects manageable and says they cropped up within an hour of the treatment, a period in which a person on the drug would likely be kept in the doctor's office for monitoring.
Some patients also experienced modest spikes in blood pressure within the first 75 minutes. Nasal-spray dosing brings other issues.
The Black Dog Institute in Australia and the University of New South Wales in Sydney, which teamed up to study a nasal-spray form of ketamine, published their findings last March in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.
The researchers found that absorption rates were variable among patients. J&J says its own studies with esketamine contradict these findings.