In the 1990s he was a psychiatry professor, mentoring then associate professor John Krystal at Yale and trying to figure out how a deficit of serotonin played into depression.
Back then, depression research was all about serotonin. The 1987 approval of Prozac, the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI,
ushered in an era of what people in the industry call me-too drug development, research that seeks to improve on existing medicines rather than exploring new approaches.
Within this narrow range, pharmaceutical companies churned out blockbuster after blockbuster.
One in eight Americans age 12 and older reported using antidepressants within the past month, according to a survey conducted from 2011 to 2014 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Charney was a depression guy; Krystal was interested in schizophrenia. Their curiosity led them to the same place: the glutamate system, what Krystal calls the "main information highway of the higher brain."
(Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, which helps brain cells communicate. It's considered crucial in learning and memory formation.)

They had already used ketamine to temporarily produce schizophrenialike symptoms, to better understand glutamate's role in that condition.
In the mid-1990s they decided to conduct a single-dose study of ketamine on nine patients (two ultimately dropped out) at the Yale-affiliated VA Connecticut Healthcare System in West Haven to see how depressed people would react to the drug.
Outside the field of anesthesiology, ketamine is known, if it's known at all, for its abuse potential.
Street users sometimes take doses large enough to enter what's known as a "K hole," a state in which they're unable to interact with the world around them.
Over the course of a day, those recreational doses can be as much as 100 times greater than the tiny amount Charney and Krystal were planning to give to patients.
Nonetheless, they decided to monitor patients for 72 hours—well beyond the two hours that ketamine produces obvious behavioral effects— just to be careful not to miss any negative effects that might crop up.
"If we had done the typical thing that we do with these drug tests," Krystal says, "we would have completely missed the antidepressant effect of ketamine."