Hello, this is BBC World News, the headlines.
大家好 这里是BBC世界新闻头条
European leaders have agreed to give Britain two more months to prepare for its departure from the EU if Parliament passes Prime Minister Theresa May's withdrawal agreement.
欧盟领导人同意 如果英国议会通过首相特蕾莎·梅的脱欧协议 则可以宽限英国两个月的时间完成脱欧
If British MPs fail to back the deal, they'll only be given an extra two weeks to find a new agreement.
如果英国议员拒绝该协议 则只能给他们两周的时间制定出新协议
A week on from the gun attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand has fallen silent to remember the fifty people killed.
克赖斯特彻奇两座清真寺的枪击事件已发生一周 新西兰全体默哀 悼念遇难的50人
Before mass burials began, the call to prayer was observed.
在大规模葬礼开始前 还进行了唤拜
Aid workers are racing to get emergency supplies to hundreds of thousands of people stranded by cyclone Idai which struck southeastern Africa a week ago.
救援人员马不停蹄地将应急物资输送到被飓风伊代困住的人们身边 该飓风一周前袭击了非州东南部
At least 300 people are confirmed dead in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Donald Trump has overturned decades of US policy by saying it's time for Washington to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
唐纳德·特朗普颠覆了美国几十年来的政策 称美国是时候承认以色列对戈兰高地的主权了
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says that Trump has made history.