Hello, this is BBC News, the latest headlines.
大家好 这里是BBC新闻最新头条
British MPs have proposed alternative plans for Brexit after voting to take control of the process from the government.
英国议员投票将脱欧进程从政府手中接管过来以后 提出了脱欧的替代计划
They're set to stage a ballot on Wednesday on which options they would accept.
他们将在周三举行投票 选择接受哪种方案
Meanwhile, there are signs Theresa May's deal is winning over some critics despite questions about her future.
与此同时 尽管人们不知道特蕾莎·梅的未来会走向何方 但她的脱欧协议赢得了一些批评者的支持
Kurdish authorities in northern Syria are calling for an international tribunal to try members of the Islamic State group.
Last week forces retook the last piece of territory from IS bringing an end to their self-declared caliphate.
上周 军队夺回了“伊斯兰国”的最后一片领土 终结了其自己宣布的统治
And prosecutors have dropped all charges against U.S. actor Jussie Smollett for allegedly staging a racist and homophobic attack.
检察官取消了对美国男演员朱西·斯莫利特的所有指控 据称 他自导自演了一场种族主义和恐同袭击
The reasons behind the decision remain unclear.