The subjects were also wired to machines that captured their brains' electrical activity.
"A second and a half or two seconds before the conscious insight, we see this burst of activity over the back of the brain," Beeman says.
The brain, he thinks, "is blocking visual input, which helps allow weaker information to compete for attention."
When a thought entered the subjects' consciousness—aha!— the neocortex, the part of the brain associated with sight and hearing,
lit up like a Christmas tree. The conscious brain takes credit, one could say, for the heavy lifting done behind the scenes.

The brain in "idle," it turns out, can be far more active than the brain focused on completing a task.
This was the 2001 discovery of Washington University neuroscientist Marcus Raichle, MD, who, in observing the resting brain, saw that there was essentially a party going on in the dark.
这是2001年华盛顿大学神经学家Marcus Raichle发现的,他是医学博士,通过观察静止的大脑,他发现大脑实质上有一个秘密集会。
The default mode network, as Dr. Raichle came to call it, is crackling with activity, burning perhaps 20 times the metabolic resources of the conscious brain.
So the brain's resting-state circuitry—which is turned on, paradoxically, when you stop focusing on a problem and just veg out—
is very likely the best place to park a problem, for it employs the best, wisest, and most creative (though not necessarily fastest-working) mechanics