Working toward long term achievements can be mentally and physically exhausting.
It can be a let-down to work towards a goal and not see results as quickly as you were hoping for.
But if you work smart achieving your goals is possible.
No matter your goals, here at Psych2go we have 7 tips to help you achieve them.
1. Write your goals down.
1. 将你的目标写下来。
Even if you know what you want, actually writing down your goals has proven to be more effective.
Make sure that it's visible so you have a continual reminder on what you've set out to achieve.
Try putting a note on your bathroom mirror or your fridge so you'll see it everyday.
2. Be patient with yourself.
2. 要对自己有耐心。
Rome wasn't built in a day and reaching your goals won't necessarily happen super fast.
It will likely take hours and hours of hard work. The best things in life often take time and that makes them more rewarding
3. Make time in your week for goals.
3. 每周为自己的目标腾出些时间。
Instead of trying to rush through your project,
allow yourself an hour a day or a day a week to work on small sub-goals that will contribute to your overall vision.
Doing things weekly in small segments will help prevent you from feeling stuck or frustrated in your attempt to achieve your goal.
4. Celebrate your acheivements no matter how small.
4. 庆祝自己的成就,不论是多小的成就。
Sometimes if can feel like you're so far from reaching a milestone
and you're more only closer than where you started. But if you're actively working towards something, that's not true.
Remember that these goals are called long term for a reason.
Find a way to reward yourself with a favourite snack or activity when you finish a part of your goal.
5. Remember that roadblocks aren't failures.
5. 记住障碍不是失败。
We all know the phrase 'when one door closes, another one opens'. Well, it's not just inspiring, it's factual.
Sometimes life has a different plan for how we achieve our goals.
So next time you hit a wall, remember to be kind to yourself. You never know what could be around the corner.
6. Listen to criticism and do not take it personally.
6. 倾听批评,不要生气。
Criticisms are not personal attacks on your work. They aren't a chance for you to get defensive and possessive of your work and goals.
Instead, take the criticism and use it to refine and improve upon your goal and the methods of getting there.
Critisism allows us to double check our work with new eyes and create something even more amazing.
7. Work with like minded people.
7. 和志同道合的人一起努力。
This is an especially important tip because it's easy for you to feel like you're alone in your endeavours.
There's also other times where you'll feel stuck in your efforts to figure out solutions to the hurdles that sit between you and your achievements.
Talking and collaborating with those who share similar goals is actually a great way to see things in a different way, getting inspired and maintain drive.
Climbing the mountain of success is always easier when you're working as a team.