Then there are the ctenophores (pronounced TEH-nuh-fores), which are such oddballs they've been placed in a phylum of their own. Also known as comb jellies, for the comblike rows of tiny paddles they use to swim, they tend to be small, delicate, and hard to study. They come in an array of weird body types: Some are flat and ribbonlike; others look more like pockets or little crowns. Most use an adhesive to nab their prey. "They have what's like exploding glue packets embedded in their tentacles," explains Steve Haddock, a senior scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.
此外还有栉水母(发音为TEH-nuh-fores),由于它们实在太古怪了,所以自成一门。它们也叫做comb jellies,这是来自它们用来游泳、一排排像梳子的栉板,这类动物往往体积小巧,非常脆弱,因此难以研究。栉水母有各式各样怪异的体形:有些呈扁平缎带状,有些看起来像口袋或小皇冠。大部分栉水母都会用一种黏液来捕捉猎物。“它们的触手里面埋着一种类似爆炸黏胶包的东西”,蒙特利湾水族馆研究所资深科学家史蒂夫·哈达克解释道。
In recent decades jellyfish populations in some parts of the world have boomed. In the 1980s a comb jelly that's known formally as Mnemiopsis leidyi and informally as the sea walnut showed up in the Black Sea. A native of the western Atlantic, it presumably had been transported in a ship's ballast water and then been discharged. In the Black Sea it reproduced so prolifically that by 1989 it had reached densities of up to 11 per cubic foot of water. Fish couldn't compete with the jellies for food -- sea walnuts eat as much as 10 times their body weight a day -- and many fish became food for the jellies. Local fisheries collapsed.

In other parts of the world, swarms of jellyfish have menaced swimmers and clogged fishing nets. In 2006, beaches in Italy and Spain were closed because of a bloom of jellyfish known as mauve stingers. In 2013 a Swedish nuclear plant temporarily shut down because moon jellies were blocking its intake pipes.
Situations like these led to a spate of reports that jellyfish were taking over the seas. One website warned of the "attack of the blob." Another predicted "goomageddon."
But scientists say the situation is more complicated than such headlines suggest. Jellyfish populations fluctuate naturally, and people tend to notice only the boom part of the cycle.