Bode& Morgan Miller Finding New Purpose in Tragedy
After their baby girl drowned in a neighbor's pool, the olympic skier and his wife want to spare other families their shattering pain
The "tiny sliver of light" at the door jamb sank Morgan Miller's heart.
Morgan and three of the four children between her and Olympic skier Bode Miller were at a neighbor's house in Coto de Caza, Calif., on June 9—
6月9日,摩根带着她和奥林匹克滑雪运动员博德·米勒(Bode Miller)四个孩子中的三个在加利福尼亚州科托德卡扎(Coto de Caza)的邻居家——
the moms chatting on the sofa, the two Miller boys in an adjacent room and 19-month-old Emeline toddling back and forth between them.

"It was just a normal day.... All of asudden, it was just too quiet," Morgan recalls, choking on tears.
"I said, ‘Where's Emmy?' " It was then that Morgan, 31, spied the light beam that meant the door to the backyard was ajar.
She found Emmy floating in the pool outside.
"I ran and I jumped in," says Morgan, who performed CPR until an ambulance came.
"I was at the softball game, so I was hearing all this through the phone," recalls Bode. "Just in shock."
Her brain deprived ofoxygen for too long, Emmy died the next day.
Seven weeks after living every parent's worst nightmare, the Millers, who are expecting their third child in October, sat down with NBC's Today to share Emmy's story in a July 30 broadcast in hopes of saving other parents from the same tragedy.
"It's an obligation," Bode tells NBC. "I think it does, in some way, help to heal a little bit—that maybe we're preventing it from happening to somebody else."
Drowning is the leading cause of death for healthy children under 4, but Bode, 40, says he went to every pediatrician check up with his kids—and this risk came up "not a single time."
But even that fact could be dangerously misleading because it doesn't include deaths like Emmy's, which occur after drowning due to oxygen deprivation.
"A childunder 30 lbs. can drown in 30 seconds," says Morgan. "I just keep counting to 30 in my head. That was all I needed....
Guilt is a very painful thing. I hope and pray and beg that it gets easier."
The Millers now amplify what the American Academy of Pediatrics urges: drowning-preven-tion classes, barriers around pools and parents being, in Morgan's words, "hyperaware" of children near any body of water, including bathtubs.
米勒夫妇现在强调了美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)的呼吁:开设防溺课程,在泳池周围设置障碍,家长们——用摩根的话来说,孩子在任何水域附近活动(包括浴缸)时要“高度警惕”。
Emmy, they say, was excited to be a big sister and carried a doll with her for practice.
"She was such a bright light," says Morgan. "Now we have the opportunity to get to love that baby not only for ourselves but for Emmy."