According to a report by Reuters, Nike has chosen Colin Kaepernick, the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem,
as one of the faces for advertising commemorating the 30th anniversary of the company's 'Just Do It' slogan.
出演其庆祝‘Just Do It’标语30周年的广告。
Reuters reports that other athletes featured in the ad campaign include New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr.,
skateboarder Lacey Baker and Seattle Seahawks linebacker Shaquem Griffin.
The campaign was reportedly unveiled last week with the release of a film featuring Serena Williams entitled "Voice of Belief."
报道称该活动于上周揭晓,当时一部关于塞雷娜·威廉姆斯的电影《Voice of Belief》刚好上映。