Despite the USSR's vast technological and numerical superiority,
their forces were stuck in a bloody quagmire, with no real purpose for getting in and no real plan for getting out.
Further, the Soviet government's lies about Afghanistan further corroded the morale of a people that had already given up on Communism.
Because of the Afghan war, the US boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics which was supposed to present a new face of the USSR to the entire world.
It didn't happen. Even though the Soviets returned the favor by boycotting the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the Soviets clearly got the raw end of the deal.
The Soviet Union was also starting to resemble a paper tiger.
When the Polish Solidarity movement arose in 1980, the Soviets had to let the Polish prime minister handle the crisis his own way,
because the Red Army was too heavily committed in Afghanistan.
Even though the Red Army was 5 million men strong on paper, most of these men were recruits between the ages of 18 and 20, serving their mandatory two years.
The hard core of the long term army was busy getting shot up in Afghanistan.