But the truth is that these are mostly one-offs, boutique projects, not easily reproduced at a global scale.
And that is the point. When you use materials that have a local significance, you prevent cities from all looking the same.
Copper has a long history in New York -- the Statue of Liberty, the crown of the Woolworth Building
but it fell out of fashion for a long time
until SHoP Architects used it to cover the American Copper Building, a pair of twisting towers on the East River.
直到SHoP建筑师们在建造东河岸的一对扭曲塔楼American Copper Building时,再次使用了它。

It's not even finished and you can see the way sunset lights up that metallic facade, which will weather to green as it ages.
Buildings can be like people. Their faces broadcast their experience.
And that's an important point, because when glass ages, you just replace it,
and the building looks pretty much the same way it did before until eventually it's demolished.
Almost all other materials have the ability to absorb infusions of history and memory, and project it into the present.