It's a system in which there are two kinds of physicians -- those who make mistakes and those who don't,
在这个制度当中,只有两种人 -- 犯错的不犯错的,
those who can't handle sleep deprivation and those who can, those who have lousy outcomes and those who have great outcomes.
And it's almost like an ideological reaction, like the antibodies begin to attack that person.
And we have this idea that if we drive the people who make mistakes out of medicine, what will we be left with, but a safe system.
我们有着一种想法:当我们将所有的会犯错的人 赶出医学界后, 我们便会得到一个安全的系统。
But there are two problems with that.
In my 20 years or so of medical broadcasting and journalism,
I've made a personal study of medical malpractice and medical errors to learn everything I can,
我自行研究了我可以接触到的 一切医疗疏失和医疗错误,
from one of the first articles I wrote for the Toronto Star to my show "White Coat, Black Art."
And what I've learned is that errors are absolutely ubiquitous.
We work in a system where errors happen every day,
我们工作在一个 每天都会发生错误的制度中。
where one in 10 medications are either the wrong medication given in hospital or at the wrong dosage,
医院有十分之一的几率会给错药 或者给了错误的剂量,
where hospital-acquired infections are getting more and more numerous, causing havoc and death.
In this country, as many as 24,000 Canadians die of preventable medical errors.
In the United States, the Institute of Medicine pegged it at 100,000.
In both cases, these are gross underestimates, because we really aren't ferreting out the problem as we should.
即使如此,这两项数据也还是过于低估了现实, 因为我们从未像我们该做的那般 深入地探究这个问题。