County Population Size
it's interesting we've talked before about population density being a fairly good predictor
也是我们之前提到过一个有趣的因素 人口密度常被用来预测一个县的倾向
the more densely populated the county the more Democratic voting it tends to be
一个县的人口越稠密 它就越可能倾向民主党
this is...
table is showing counties over 500,000 population voting 70% for Obama
显示人口超过50万的县 有70%的人支持奥巴马
50,000-500,000 voting 69%
suburbs which can have various populations and they are counted separately here
各地城郊的人口数量变化很大 因此被单独拿出来统计
just barely going for Obama 50% but again this is something new
总体上只有50%的人支持奥巴马 但这折射出了一种新的局面
the suburbs as recently as the 1980s were some of the most solidly Republican voting areas
在20世纪80年代城郊 几乎是共和党最为忠实的支持地区
there's been a real switch
in some parts of the country more than others, which we'll see later on
都已经发生了较大转变 稍后我们会作深入讨论
when we get down into the smaller counties
small towns small counties 10,000-50,000
53% for McCain
interesting in even smaller ones very rural counties, exactly the same breakdown
有趣的是在人口更为稀少的农村地区 支持率情况竟和小城镇一摸一样
so we're not seeing much difference from the very rural to merely the small towns and semi-rural counties
可见选民的投票倾向在欠发达的农村地区 和小镇或半农村地区没什么差别
Education Level, again this is something we've talked about
受教育程度 这也是我们之前讨论过的影响因素
and you see the split pattern that we've seen before
those who have not finished high school pretty small, there's only four percent
高中没毕业的人只占极少数 大概只占总人口4%
very strongly voting for the Democratic candidate
63% for Obama
and then the post-graduate community those with post-graduate degrees 58% for Obama, 40% for McCain
而在研究生群体中 有研究生学历的人当中 58%支持奥巴马 40%支持麦凯恩
so it's the lowest and highest levels of education that the Democratic candidate tended to do best
可见在受教育程度最高和最低的两群人中 民主党候选人都是最受青睐的
we saw this as well
one thing is interesting though
in every educational demographic
the Democratic candidate Barack Obama came out ahead
民主党候选人奥巴马 都处于领先地位
just barely among college graduate
which again not very long ago this is a pretty solidly Republican voting group
而在不久前的几届大选中 大学毕业生曾是共和党忠实的支持群体