In 1964, a woman named Kitty Genovese was raped and stabbed to death in the middle of an open apartment complex in Queens, New York.
1964年一名名叫基蒂·吉诺维斯(Kitty Genovese)的女性在纽约皇后区的一个露天居住区内遭遇强暴并被刺死。
It is said by New York Times, that about 37 bystanders who witnessed the murder did not call for the police, nor did they help her in any way.
Another similar incident happened when a 2 year old named Wang Yue was wondering around an open market when she was run over by a truck.
The truck did stop, but only for a moment, running her over with the front and back tires.
Nineteen people walked past her body, some stopping to stare, but none to help.
It was only an hour later that a bystander helped Wang Yue, but unfortunately, it was too late. She died in the hospital shortly after.
Why is it that no one helped Kitty or Wang when they were in clear need of aid?
Well, a possible explanation could be because of the 'bystander effect' or 'bystander apathy.'
It's when individuals are less likely to take action when others are present due to the diffusion of responsibility in social influences.
In other words, the greater amount of bystanders, the less likely it is for an individual to take action.
People in the group assume that someone else will help and that their individual action is not needed.
But, if everybody in the group all has this apathetic manner, incidents like Kitty Genovese's murder and Wang Yue's hit and run will happen.
How could this behavior be explained?
Well, according to Richard Dawkins, a professor at Oxford University,
根据牛津大学教授,理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)所说,
what differentiates humans from every other species in the animal kingdom, is the development of the prefrontal cortex, or PFC.
The medial and dors-medial parts of the PFC controls cognitive function and rational thought.
The argument is that the empathy and ability to mentalize can motivate nonselfish behavior.
Humans are special because we can choose to act kindly to our fellow humans.
However, evolutionary biology says that humans, throughout history, have only acted out prosocial behaviors to benefit themselves.
Or else, nobody would have survived. Which puts the saying "Survival of the fittest" on the play.
An infamous example of apathy is the Holocaust, in which the world closed its eyes during this catastrophe.
People could have spoken out to help individuals who were afraid of speaking if they could have suffered the same fate as the people they were trying to help.
So, biologically and socially, humans are just inclined to be apathetic and ignore things in which they don't benefit from or which they could be harmed by.
Since we're the only species to have PFC, 'I don't want to get involved' is often said whenever an undesirable event should occur.
Bystanders will report not wanting to be involved because they fear negative consequences for themselves.
And also, because they assume someone else could offer help, not just me.
But, if people were more aware, events like Wang Yue and Kitty where people didn't respond, could have been avoided.
So, just remember, even if you're just helping a sick family member or friend, maybe even helping someone carry something heavy,
don't even nudge them off because you think someone else could help them. Lend a hand. It could mean the world to somebody.
What are your opinions on the bystander effect? Do you disagree or agree on it, or have some different kind of thoughts?
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