So the marketing world, social media world, a lot of people talking about this British Airways thing
where somebody bought promoted Tweet to complain about British Airways, caught a lot of attraction, tons of articles running about it.
As a matter of fact, someone do some editing, throw some of the logos of the people that are writing about it here.
There's a quote from one of the articles by CEO of a social media agency, saying with someone with six followers who's on Twitter
and who makes a nasty tweet. It's completely irrelevant. Now tone is lost in text.
So I don't want to flame on which I'm not even bringing up who said that or where it was said.
But it was a quote and it's one that really drives to the heart of why I want to make this video.
I am completely stunned that for all the talk of the new world, this that the other thing,
we continue to talk in old-school terms of the absolute number, the scale of how many impressions right,
the scale of how many followers which is so irrelevant. That statement is ludicrous.
What if your six followers happen to be Sally, Johnny, Tommy, Jimmy and Chris and you tweeted out that you hate British Airways
and one of those six, which are irrelevant. Let me just read it again. Because it's very exciting for me with someone who has six followers on Twitter
and who makes a nasty tweet, it's completely irrelevant.
So I don't know how six human beings are irrelevant, but it's a separate story.
But what if one of those six people happen to be Sally and she retweets it. Now Sally has 39 followers still
an irrelevant number based on this guy's point of view. What if one of those 39 people happen to be one of her friends from college
who happens to be a showrunner on The Today Show? What if that happens dude? What if that happens and then all of a sudden that showrunner
她正好是《今日秀》的执行制片人,如果发生这种事情了呢? 如果是这样呢,然后这名执行制片人
brings that tweet or awareness or statement or comment or picture or whatever it may be to those producers of that show
and then all of a sudden some, The Today Show the next day or the USA Today newspaper or somewhere
a bigger magnitude and bigger scale this person believes is important.
The thought that other human beings or low numbers of those human beings are irrelevant is ludicrous.
The absolute number doesn't matter. You can have a million followers. You can have a hundred followers.
One proper tweet, one proper statement can go to other people and the word of mouth plumbing that social networks are allows everything.
Not to "go viral". You don't need to "go viral".
You just need to go to the right person. You've got two followers. They can be Oprah and Obama and that matters.
This absolute number thing is stupid. It's very stupid and we continue to keep talking about that.
It's not irrelevant. Every consumer's word does matter because word of mouth is now at scale and as infrastructure to go somewhere
and we need to start thinking about that in a very serious way cause we completely misunderstand it.