Alexandr can you, as how do you meet relevant people at South by Southwest.
You know Alexander I think the first opening move is to get out of the mentality of douchery that justifies and categorizes people that..
Did he say relevant? I believe so. Did he, did he...I wanna make sure I'm using the right word. It was relevant.
他说的是“相关”的人吗? 应该是,我想先弄清楚他说的是不是这个词,那就是这个词了。
Alex, honestly that I don't know, like if I could execute what was happening in my stomach right now
when I hear people categorize other human beings as relevant, it makes me want to vomit on myself.
But I don't think you're a bad guy Alexander. I think, I think you're asking a proper question.
I would say first of all, relevancy is massively subjective right? Like there's people that have a lot of followers
我首先说“相关”这个词是带有主观性的,对吗? 就像有人有许多追随者,
that have influence that are VCs that....whatever you're looking for.
I would tell you, I promise you that if again, I think you're seeing a theme in my talk guys.
I'm a very big fan of the second chess move in life. If you're just trying to get to this person,

everybody's trying to get to this relevant fucking person and so what happens is it becomes a supply and demand issue
where you're getting pounded on, you're not breaking through because they're defending against the supply
but when Alex, when you open yourself up to meeting somebody who might not be a relevant person by your definition,
there are a shitload of people running around at South by Southwest.
Then if you have a drink with and say hello are the exact person that's the gateway to 30 minutes of my time at South by Southwest,
But on paper with their 306 Twitter followers, it's not gonna seem so obvious.
I promise when you stop strategizing people's fucking clout and you start acting like a human being, you will win.