Hi guys. I'm Catie Wayne. And this is 'Animalist News.'
嗨,朋友们 我是Catie Wayne 这里是动物学人新闻
We humans have been using yeast to make bread, beer, and wine for over 5,000 years.
我们常常用酵母来做面包,啤酒和白酒 已经有5000年历史了
And many humans would agree that alcohol and beer in particular is delicious.
Yeast, a bunch of microorganisms in the fungi family, is fundamental in the brewing process.
It creates the alcohol and carbon dioxide, which makes beer bubbly, obvi.
But the rule of yeast is a little more complicated than that.
Yeast cells also produce aroma compounds that are essential for the flavor and taste of the beer.
酵母也会产生芳香化合物 那是啤酒尝起来很香的根本原因
But one might wonder why yeast cells produce these aroma compounds that make beer so delightful.
那么问题来了,为什么酵母会产生这些 香味化合物使啤酒如此美味
I mean, it certainly isn't so bearded men everywhere can make that satisfactory ah noise after taking a swig of their favorite beer. Ah.
That is some sweet aroma compounds.
Well, according to a recent study by VIB, the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology,
好的,通过vib最近的研究 那是Flanders生物科技研究机构
these aroma compounds appear to have evolved specifically to attract fruit flies-- much in the same way flowers attract bees —
so that these yeast cells can hitch a ride on the flies and spread their genetic material elsewhere.
那就是酵母君搭果蝇的便车 传播它的遗传物质到各个地方
In other words, it would appear that we have fruit flies to thank for the taste of beer.
So, I tip my fedora to you, flies.
Does this make you suddenly love fruit flies?
Be sure to let me know in the comments below.
And if you ever wished that you could share a cold one with your puppy, check out this video about beers for your dog.
Please remember to share this video because every single one counts.
I love you, and I'll see you next time. Bye.
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