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- One of the nations playing in this competition is Romania.
- 参加比赛的其中一个国家是罗马尼亚。
- This European country has been playing rugby since the early nineteen hundreds.
- 这个欧洲国家从19世纪早期开始打橄榄球。
- Students were responsible for bringing the game to Romania.
- 学生将橄榄球引进罗马尼亚。
- These students went to France to study. While they were there, they learned how to play rugby.
- 这些学生曾在法国留学。他们在那里学会了如何打橄榄球。
- And when they returned home, they took some rugby balls with them.
- 他们回国时带了一些橄榄球。
- Soon, there were many rugby teams in Romania. The national team even won an Olympic prize!
- 很快,罗马尼亚就出现了很多橄榄球球队。而且罗马尼亚国家队还赢得过奥运会奖牌!
- But the Second World War changed the history of rugby in Romania.
- 可是第二次世界大战改变了罗马尼亚的橄榄球史。
- The ruling party followed a new way of government - communism.
- 罗马尼亚执政党采取了新型执政方式——共产主义。
- The thinking behind this new way seemed good - everyone working together for the good of the country.
- 他们认为这种新型执政方式的理念看上去很不错——所有人共同为了国家的利益而努力。
- Equal rights for everybody. The state encouraged people to bring glory to the country.
- 所有人享有平等的权利。国家鼓励民众为国家赢得荣誉。
- And it especially encouraged sportsmen and women.
- 国家特别鼓励体育运动员和女性。
- The government gave jobs in the police or army to top rugby players.
- 政府在警局或军队为顶级橄榄球运动员安排职位。
- They had time off work to play. They had the best trainers.
- 他们在休息时间可以打球。他们还有最好的教练员。
- And all this resulted in a successful national rugby team.
- 这一切铸就了一支成功的国家橄榄球球队。
Voice 2: One of the nations playing in this competition is Romania. This European country has been playing rugby since the early nineteen hundreds. Students were responsible for bringing the game to Romania. These students went to France to study. While they were there, they learned how to play rugby. And when they returned home, they took some rugby balls with them. Soon, there were many rugby teams in Romania. The national team even won an Olympic prize!
Voice 1: But the Second World War changed the history of rugby in Romania. The ruling party followed a new way of government - communism. The thinking behind this new way seemed good - everyone working together for the good of the country. Equal rights for everybody. The state encouraged people to bring glory to the country. And it especially encouraged sportsmen and women. The government gave jobs in the police or army to top rugby players. They had time off work to play. They had the best trainers. And all this resulted in a successful national rugby team.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201708/520694.shtml