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BBC环球慢速英语 第190期:2007年橄榄球世界杯(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Both kinds of rugby - rugby union and rugby league, are very popular across the world.
  • 这两种橄榄球——联合会橄榄球和联盟橄榄球,在全世界都备受欢迎。
  • This may seem surprising - because rugby is a very hard, physical sport.
  • 这看上去可能很奇怪,因为橄榄球是一项艰苦的身体对抗运动。
  • It requires players to be very fit and strong.
  • 它要求球员必须健康又强壮。
  • They need to be able to run, to catch and to kick an egg-shaped ball - for eighty minutes!
  • 他们要在80分钟的时间内奔跑、接和踢一个鸡蛋形的球!
  • They also need to know how to tackle, to stop players who are carrying the ball.
  • 他们还要了解阻截和阻止持球队员的方法。
  • This can be dangerous because of the players'size and weight.
  • 考虑到球员的体型和体重,这可能会很危险。
  • It is important to learn the correct way to tackle - or accidents will happen.
  • 所以,学习阻截的正确方法非常重要,否则就会发生意外。
  • Rugby is hard to play. But many people find it very exciting to watch!
  • 橄榄球比赛很难。但是许多人认为观看橄榄球比赛令人非常兴奋!
  • And lovers of the game have been waiting for the month of September to arrive.
  • 喜爱橄榄球比赛的人一直在等待九月份的到来。
  • Why? Well, that is when the sixth Rugby World Cup starts.
  • 为什么?因为届时第六届橄榄球世界杯将正式开打。
  • The World Cup is the leading international event in Rugby Union.
  • 橄榄球世界杯是联合会橄榄球最重要的国际赛事。
  • A game between France and Argentina will 'kick off' the competition.
  • 今年的揭幕战将在法国和阿根廷之间进行。
  • And a total of twenty countries will compete for the prize - the William Webb Ellis cup!
  • 今年共有20支球队争夺橄榄球世界杯的冠军奖杯——威廉·韦伯·艾利斯杯!


Voice 2: Both kinds of rugby - rugby union and rugby league, are very popular across the world. This may seem surprising - because rugby is a very hard, physical sport. It requires players to be very fit and strong. They need to be able to run, to catch and to kick an egg-shaped ball - for eighty minutes! They also need to know how to tackle, to stop players who are carrying the ball. This can be dangerous because of the players' size and weight. It is important to learn the correct way to tackle - or accidents will happen.

Voice 1: Rugby is hard to play. But many people find it very exciting to watch! And lovers of the game have been waiting for the month of September to arrive. Why? Well, that is when the sixth Rugby World Cup starts. The World Cup is the leading international event in Rugby Union. A game between France and Argentina will 'kick off' the competition. And a total of twenty countries will compete for the prize - the William Webb Ellis cup!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

tackle ['tækl]


v. 处理,对付,阻截
n. 用具,滑车,对付





