"If, as often happens, children are of different shades of color in a family," the Jamaican sociologist Fernando Henriques once wrote:
the most lightly colored will be favored at the expense of the others.
In adolescence, and until marriage, the darker members of the family will be kept out of the way when the friends of the fair or fairer members of the family are being entertained.
The fair child is regarded as raising the color of the family and nothing must be put in the way of its success,
that is in the way of a marriage which will still further raise the color status of the family.
A fair person will try to server social relations he may have with darker relatives...
the darker members of a Negro family will encourage the efforts of a very fair relative to "pass" for White.
The practises of intra-family relations lay the foundation for the public manifestation of color prejudice.
My family was not immune to this.
Daisy was inordinately proud of the fact her husband was lighter than she was.
But that same prejudice was then turned on her:
"Daisy's nice, you know," her mother-in-law would say, "but she's too dark."
“戴西很美丽,你知道, ”她的婆婆会说,“但她太黑了。”
On of my mother's relatives (I'll call her Aunt Joan) was also well up the color totem pole.
She was "white and light". But she was a widow, and her husband had been what in Jamaica is called an "Injun"
—a man with a dark complexion and straight, fine black hair—and their daughters were dark like their father.