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BBC环球慢速英语 第181期:埃利·威塞尔(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But in 1944, the Nazis came to his town.
  • 但是在1944年,纳粹来到了他生活的城镇。
  • They put his family and many other Jews on trains.
  • 他们把他的家人和其他犹太人送上了火车。
  • These trains were supposed to move animals. But the Nazis used them to move people.
  • 这些火车本来是运送动物的。但是纳粹用这些火车来转移人。
  • The conditions on the train were bad. The trains were very full.
  • 火车上的条件非常糟糕。火车非常拥挤。
  • The people travelled for many days without food. Many people died on the trains.
  • 人们在火车上呆了很多天,但是没有食物。许多人死在了火车上。
  • The trains took the Jews to concentration camps.
  • 火车把犹太人带到集中营。
  • At these camps, the Nazis separated the men from the women.
  • 在这些集中营里,纳粹将男人和女人分开。
  • They killed some people. They forced others to work.
  • 他们杀害了一些人。他们强迫剩下的人工作。
  • But they did not give them much food. At the camps, many people became sick and died.
  • 但是,他们不会提供太多食物。集中营里有许多人生病和死亡。
  • The train took the Wiesel family to the Auschwitz concentration camp.
  • 火车把威塞尔一家送到了奥斯威辛集中营。
  • There the Nazi guards separated Elie and his father from his mother and his sisters. He never saw them again.
  • 纳粹守卫将埃利和他的父亲同他母亲和姐妹分开。他再也没看见过她们。
  • After the war, Elie learned that the Nazis killed his mother and one sister.
  • 战争结束以后,埃利得知纳粹杀了他的母亲和一个妹妹。
  • Millions of Jews died from fire, gas poisoning, hunger, and sicknesses in these camps.
  • 在这些集中营里,有数百万犹太人死于火灾、气体中毒、饥饿和疾病。


Voice 1: But in 1944, the Nazis came to his town. They put his family and many other Jews on trains. These trains were supposed to move animals. But the Nazis used them to move people. The conditions on the train were bad. The trains were very full. The people travelled for many days without food. Many people died on the trains.

Voice 2: The trains took the Jews to concentration camps. At these camps, the Nazis separated the men from the women. They killed some people. They forced others to work. But they did not give them much food. At the camps, many people became sick and died.
Voice 1: The train took the Wiesel family to the Auschwitz concentration camp. There the Nazi guards separated Elie and his father from his mother and his sisters. He never saw them again. After the war, Elie learned that the Nazis killed his mother and one sister. Millions of Jews died from fire, gas poisoning, hunger, and sicknesses in these camps.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
separated ['sepəreitid]


adj. 分居;分开的;不在一起生活的 v. 分开;隔开

concentration [.kɔnsen'treiʃən]


n. 集中,专心,浓度





