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BBC环球慢速英语 第180期:埃利·威塞尔(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Jews were not the only non-military people killed during World War Two.
  • 犹太人并不是二战期间唯一被杀害的平民。
  • The Nazis killed people with physical problems.
  • 纳粹杀害了有生理缺陷的人。
  • And they killed people with different religious or political beliefs.
  • 他们还杀害了有不同宗教信仰或政治信仰的人。
  • Five million other people died because the Nazis hated anyone who was not like them.
  • 因为纳粹讨厌任何不喜欢他们的人,所以除犹太人以外,还有500万人被杀害。
  • In 1928, Elie was born in Sighet, which is now part of Romania.
  • 埃利于1928年出生在锡格盖特,这个地方现在属于罗马尼亚。
  • He lived with his parents and his three sisters.
  • 他和父母及三个姐妹一起生活。
  • World War Two began in 1939.
  • 二战开始于1939年。
  • The Wiesel family heard about the terrible ways the Nazis were treating Jews in other countries.
  • 威塞尔一家得知了纳粹对待其他国家犹太人的可怕方式。
  • But Sighet had not seen the effects of the war. So Elie's family believed they were safe.
  • 但是锡格盖特并没有显现出战争带来的影响。所以,埃利一家认为他们是安全的。


Voice 2: Jews were not the only non-military people killed during World War Two. The Nazis killed people with physical problems. And they killed people with different religious or political beliefs. Five million other people died because the Nazis hated anyone who was not like them.

Voice 1: In 1928, Elie was born in Sighet, which is now part of Romania. He lived with his parents and his three sisters.
Voice 2: World War Two began in 1939. The Wiesel family heard about the terrible ways the Nazis were treating Jews in other countries. But Sighet had not seen the effects of the war. So Elie's family believed they were safe.





