When people talk about having "too much of a good thing," they usually mean overindulging in something like
当人们谈论到“过多地享受美好的事物”时,他们通常指沉溺于 某些东西例如
cake or fast food — things you probably enjoy, even if they aren't that good for you.
蛋糕,或者快餐—— 一些你有可能享受的东西,即便它们对你并不是 那么的有益
But what about something that's objectively important to your health and wellbeing, like sleep?
但如果是对你的健康和成长有着重要性的东西呢?比如 睡眠
Well, it turns out that you can get too much of that, too.
正如我刚才所说的 你也可以获得过多的睡眠
Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep, and oversleeping is connected to health problems
大部分人每天需要7到8小时的睡眠 而嗜睡与很多的健康问题有关
like depression, heart disease, and diabetes.
例如情绪低下 心脏病 还有糖尿病
A 2014 study of 894 pairs of twins, for example, showed that the genetic risk of depression
在2014年 一项面向894对双胞胎的调查表明
was higher in subjects who got less than 7 hours of sleep /or/ 9 or more hours of sleep every night.
遗传抑郁症的风险更多地存在于每晚睡眠时间低于7个或多于9个小时的 人当中
Meaning, people who underslept or overslept were more likely to be depressed
这意味着 睡眠时间不足或过多的人更有可能
because of genetic factors, as opposed to environmental ones.
因为遗传因素患抑郁症 这与环境因素截然相反
And according to a study on the sleep habits of 400,000 Taiwanese adults,
the risk of coronary heart disease is about the same in people who sleep less than 4 hours a night as
it is in those who sleep more than eight hours a night.

Subjects who underslept had a 35% higher risk of heart disease, and people who overslept had a 34% increase.
睡眠不足的受试者患心脏病的概率有35%,而睡眠过多的人 占有34%的概率
Another study, published in 2009, followed 276 subjects for six years and found that
2009年 一项调查花费了6年的时间跟踪了276名受试者 发现
people who slept either less than 7 hours or more than 8 hours were at least twice as likely
不管是睡眠时间低于7个小时还是高于8个小时的人 他们至少有双倍的风险
to develop type 2 diabetes or trouble tolerating glucose.
There's more: A 2013 study of about 54,000 adults over the age of 44 found links between too much sleep
还有 2013年一项面向年龄高于44岁的54,000名成年人的调查发现了睡眠过多与
and increased rates of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, stroke, and mental health issues.
In fact, the rates of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke were even higher in people
事实上 罹患冠心病,糖尿病和中风的概率更多地存在于
who overslept than in those who slept too little. So, the links are there.
睡眠过多的人当中 而不是缺乏睡眠的人 所以 这就是之中的联系
Sleep correlates with all kinds of health problems.
But it's hard to say whether too much sleep actually /causes/ these issues.
It's totally possible that oversleeping is actually a symptom of things like depression
or heart disease, or that there's some other connection.
Either way, consistently sleeping too much might be a bad sign.
不管怎样 持续睡眠过多有可能是一个不好的征兆
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