Cats love to do things they're not supposed to do, from jumping on counters to scratching up your couch.
猫咪喜欢做它们不该做的事情 从跳上柜台到 挠沙发
And yeah, that stuff is annoying, but most of the time, it's not that big a deal.
是啊 这些事真是令人头痛 但是大多数情况下 这都不能算个大麻烦
In some cases, though, a cat's behavior can have serious consequences for their health.
然而 在某些情况下 猫咪的行为会对它们的身体健康造成严重的影响
Like if they get into your liquor cabinet, or your toothpaste. Or even if they start shedding a lot.
例如 如果它们进去到你的酒柜里或是偷吃了你的牙膏 甚至如果它们开始大量脱毛
Cats are curious and adorable, and the idea of a drunk cat might sound even funnier and cuter.
猫咪好奇而又可爱 猫咪喝醉酒可能听起来更滑稽可爱
But alcohol is incredibly dangerous for cats. Like in humans, alcohol in cats can cause decreased coordination,
但是酒精对猫咪来说是极其危险的 同人类一样 猫咪喝酒也会导致其肢体不协调
difficulty breathing, comas, or even death, among other symptoms.
呼吸困难 昏迷 甚至是死亡 还有一些其他的症状
But cats are tiny compared to humans, so it doesn't take much alcohol to negatively affect them.
但是与人类相比 猫咪体型很小 所以一点点酒精就会对猫咪造成负面影响
A few spoonfuls of whiskey might not seem like much to a full-grown human,
几勺威士忌对于一个成年人来说 看似并不多
but to a 4 or 5 kilogram cat, that's a LOT, and might be enough to cause a coma.
但是 对于一个4到5公斤的猫咪来说 真的是太多了 这足以引起昏迷
So even though there are lots of videos of people laughing at their cats stumbling around after ingesting alcohol,
it's probably not a good idea to let your cat taste some booze.
It's just too easy for them to wind up drinking too much.
Another item on the list of forbidden foods and drinks for cats is something that's actually good for humans: toothpaste.
另外一个猫咪禁食和禁饮的内容 或许对人类来说是个好东西 牙膏
Maybe you've heard from your vet that dental hygiene is important for a cat's health, so you should brush their teeth.
也许你从你的兽医口中得知 猫咪的口腔卫生很重要 所以你因该给它们刷牙
And that's true! But it doesn't mean you should share your toothpaste with little Simba.
那是对的 但是这并不意味着你应该和你的小辛巴一起分享你的牙膏
Toothpaste, along with sugar free gum and mints, often contains a sweetening ingredient
牙膏 无糖口香糖以及薄荷糖通常都含有增甜剂
called xylitol that's been found to be extremely toxic to both dogs and cats.
这种增甜剂叫做木糖醇 而经证明木糖醇对于猫和狗来说是有剧毒的
Xylitol poisoning has been better studied in dogs,
since dogs are more likely to eat sweet things that they aren't supposed to. But it's a problem for cats too.
因为狗狗更喜欢 吃一些它们不该吃的甜的东西 但对于猫猫来说 这也是个问题
Even though dogs and cats can safely eat other sweeteners, like aspartame and sucralose, they can't handle xylitol.
尽管狗狗和猫猫可以吃一些其他种类的调味剂 像天冬甜剂和蔗糖素 但它们不能吃木糖醇

When dogs and cats ingest xylitol, it's not processed the way it is in humans.
当狗和猫摄入木糖醇时 它们不能像人类一样消化木糖醇
Instead, it leads to an increase in insulin — up to six times as much for an equal amount of actual sugar.
相反 木糖醇会使胰岛素急剧上升 是实际同等数值糖分的六倍
All that extra insulin can cause hypoglycemia it is a low blood sugar
Dangerously low blood sugar causes weakness, vomiting, uncoordinated walking, seizures, and comas.
危险的低血糖会导致虚弱 呕吐 不协调的行走 痉挛 和休克
So keep your toothpaste to yourself.
Other cat issues can seem like minor problems, but turn out to be a sign of a major one. Like excessive shedding.
其他猫的问题看似很小 实则是严重事情的信号 像过度脱毛
Shedding is a normal part of life for cats, of course, but extra shedding can be caused by a few different things.
当然 脱毛是猫咪生理中的一部分 但是过度脱毛 是由几个不同的原因引起的
Allergies, stress, a poor diet, and fleas can all make a cat start losing its fur.
过敏 压力 不良饮食 跳蚤都会使猫咪掉毛
But the issue could also be something much more serious: hyperthyroidism,
但是问题也可能更严重 甲亢腺机能亢进
a disease where the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. Basically, the cat's metabolism runs too fast.
是一种甲状腺分泌过多激素的病 基本上 猫的新陈代谢很快
Hyperthyroidism is a common disease among older cats, and it can have seriously dangerous side effects.
甲状腺机能亢进时常发生在年长的猫猫身上 而且危害 很大
Thyroid hormones affect most organs in the body,
so overproduction of these hormones can cause all kinds of health problems.
所以过度分泌的激素 可能会引起各种健康问题
Hyperthyroidism can make the left ventricle of the heart grow larger and thicker, which in turn can cause heart failure.
甲状腺机能亢进会造成左心室变大变厚 最后反过来会导致心力衰竭
Meanwhile, all those extra hormones can also make the cat shed. A lot.
同时 所有这些多余的激素会造成猫咪的 过量脱毛
Hair and weight loss are key side effects to watch for,
but others include increased appetite and thirst, hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased urination.
但是其他方面也应注意 增强的饥饿感与口渴感 过度活跃 呕吐 腹泻 以及频繁的排尿
There are ways to treat hyperthyroidism in cats, though.
然而 这有一些方式治疗甲状腺机能亢进
A medication called methimazole, for example, decreases production of thyroid hormones.
例如 一个叫甲硫咪唑的药物会减少甲状腺激素的分泌
You just have to realize that something is wrong before your cat can be treated.
你必须要在你的猫咪能被治愈前 发现它的一些不良症状
Cats are going to eat weird things and behave strangely no matter what. They're cats.
猫咪要吃一些奇怪的东西或是任何反常的表现 它们是猫
So there's no need to freak out every time your kitty gets up to no good.
But there are some things they should not be doing.
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