It all started with my grandma.
I was just a kid when the doctors sent my grandma home in a wheelchair to die.
在我小时候 医生说我奶奶要在轮椅上度过余生了
Diagnosed with end-stage heart disease, she had already had so many bypass operations
that the surgeons essentially ran out of plumbing.
Confined to a wheelchair. crushing chest pain, her doctors told her there was nothing else they could do.
被困在轮椅上 忍受着胸口的疼痛 她的医生却告诉她 他们没有任何办法
Her life was over at age sixty-five.
But then she heard about Nathan Pritikin, one of our early lifestyle medicine pioneers,
这时 她认识了一个叫南森·普利蒂金的人 他是最早的生活方式药师之一
and what happened next was documented in Pritikin's biography. It talks about Frances Greger, my grandma.
接下来的事被写进了普利蒂金的个人传记 里面谈到了我的奶奶弗朗西斯·格雷格
who is join a living program where from with play some plant-based diet, started on a graded exercise regimen.
They wheeled her in, and she walked out.
她坐着轮椅加入 完成项目时可以独立行走了
Within a few weeks she was walking 10 miles a day and went on to live another 31 years to 96
短短几周时间里 她每天走十英里 并且又活了31年!
to continue to enjoy her six grandchildren including me.
有了包括我在内的6个孙子 含饴弄孙一直活到96岁
Her miraculous recovery not only inspired one of those grandkids to pursue a career in medicine,
but granted her enough healthy years to see him graduate from medical school,
so it's really all thanks to her.
所以 这一切都要感谢她
During medical training I was shocked to find out that this whole body of evidence
在接受医学训练时 我惊奇地发现
on reversing chronic disease with lifestyle changes
—opening up arteries without drugs, without surgery—was being largely ignored by mainstream medicine.
不用通过药物 也不用经过手术开放动脉 这基本上被主流医学所无视
Wait a second, if effectively the cure to our #1 killer could get lost down the rabbit wholly ignored,
顺便说一句 如果生活习惯是治疗我们头号杀手的有效方法被完全忽略
what else might be buried in the medical literature that could help my patients?
I made it my life's mission to find out.
That's what led me to start and that's what led me to write the book, How Not to Die.
Surveys show people wildly overestimate the power of pills and procedures to keep them healthy.
For example, patients believe cholesterol-lowering statin drugs
are about twenty times more effective than they actually are in preventing heart attacks.
No wonder most people continue to rely on drugs to save them!
But our leading killers aren't caused by drug deficiencies.
The dirty little secret is that most people surveyed said they wouldn't be willing to take many of these drugs
if they knew how little benefit these products actually offered.
Whereas cleaning up our diets is not only safer and cheaper but can be more effective
反之 调整我们的饮食不仅安全且便宜
in preventing, arresting, and reversing some of our leading causes of death,
而且在防止 警示 治疗那些致命的疾病方面更行之有效
because you're treating the actual cause of the disease.
Each year, the CDC compiles the 15 leading causes of death and so I have a chapter on each:
How Not to Die from Heart Disease, How Not to Die from lung Disease, How Not to Die from Brain Diseases,
在我的书中有针对它们的每一章:如何不死于心脏病 如何不死于肺病
digestive cancers, infections, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver diseases,
如何不死于脑病 如何化解癌症 传染病 高血压 肝病
blood cancers, kidney disease, breast cancer, suicidal depression, prostate cancer Parkinson's disease
血癌 肾病 乳腺癌 抑郁症 前列腺癌 帕金森症
and how not to die from so-called iatrogenic causes, which is essentially death by doctor.
和如何不死于过度治疗引起的疾病 这些对医生来说都是致命性疾病
That's the first half of the book and the good news is that we have tremendous power
这是书的前半部分 还有一个好消息 那就是我们有极大的能力
over our health destiny and longevity—the vast majority of premature death and disability is preventable
来改变我们的健康状况和寿命 很大一部分早逝和疾病
with a plant-based diet and other healthy lifestyle behaviors.

I didn't want to just write a reference book, though.
Yes, there's thousands of citations to peer-reviewed scientific papers,
是的 这里引用了几千篇经过同行审阅的专业论文
but I also wanted it to be a practical guide
on translating this mountain of evidence into day-to-day decisions,
and so that's what became the second half of the book.
First I start out with a Traffic Light system to classify everything into red light, yellow light, and green light foods.
首先我以交通信号灯系统作类比 把食物按红灯 黄灯 绿灯 分类
Though there are exceptions that I talk about,
the best available balance of evidence suggests the healthiest diet
但人体达到最好的平衡时所示证据表明 最健康的饮食习惯
is one that minimizes the intake of meat, eggs, dairy, and processed junk,
是在日常生活中尽可能减少肉 蛋 奶及垃圾食品的摄入
and maximizes the intake of fruits, vegetables, beans (split peas, chickpeas and lentils),
尽可能增加对水果 蔬菜 豆类(豌豆粒 鹰嘴豆和扁豆)
whole grains, nuts and seeds, mushrooms, herbs and spices.
全谷 坚果 果核类 蘑菇和香草香料等的摄入
Basically, real food that grows out of the ground. Those are our healthiest choices.
最基本的是要吃真正从土地里长出来的食物 这些是我们最健康的选择
Some foods, though, have particular medicinal qualities
and so I then center my recommendations around a Daily Dozen checklist of all the things I try to fit into my daily routine.
So for example, I recommend a quarter teaspoon of the spice turmeric a day,
例如 我推荐每天吃四分之一汤匙的姜黄粉
a tablespoon of ground flax seeds, berries every day, greens every day,
I talk about the healthiest beverages, the healthiest sweeteners, how much exercise to get.
我只说最健康的饮料 最健康的甜品 及每天最适合的运动量
The whole daily dozen list with recommended serving sizes is available
as free apps for both Android and iPhone, just search for Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen.
免费APP在安卓和苹果的应用市场都有 只要搜Dr.Greger's Daliy Dozen就可以了
There is only one diet that's ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients, this plant-based diet.
只有一种饮食习惯被证明能缓解大多数病人的心脏病 那就是素食
If that's all a plant-based diet could do—reverse the #1 killer of men and women,
then shouldn't that be the default diet until proven otherwise?
那么它不应该是默认的饮食习惯 直到被证明是错误的吗?
And the fact that it can also be effective in treating, arresting, and reversing other
事实是素食同样能有效治疗 预防和抵制其他
leading killers like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes,
健康杀手 例如高血压 Ⅱ型糖尿病等
would seem to make the case for plant-based eating simply overwhelming.
Most deaths in the United States are preventable and related to nutrition.
在美国 大多数的死亡都是可以避免的 并且和营养摄入有关
According to the most rigorous analysis of risk factors ever published
根据Global Burden of Disaster发布的最严谨的风险分析--
the Global Burden of Disease study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
the number one cause of death in the United States is our diet.
The number one cause of disability is our diet which has now bumped tobacco smoking to #2.
不健康饮食的致病率已超过吸烟 吸烟现在屈居第二
Smoking now only kills about a half million Americans every year,
but diet now kills hundreds of thousands more.
So obviously, nutrition is the #1 thing taught in medical school, right?
所以很明显 营养学应该是医学院首先应该教授的学科
The #1 thing your doctor talks to you about at every visit, right?
How could there be such a disconnect between the science, and the practice of medicine.
Doctors, have a severe nutrition deficiency--in education.
Most doctors are just never taught the impact healthy nutrition can have on the course of
illness and so they graduate without this powerful tool in their medical toolbox.
There are also institutional barriers, such as time constraints and lack of reimbursement.
制度 时间和财务方面的限制也是重要的原因
In general, doctors aren't paid for counseling people on how to take care of themselves.
通常 医生在给人们提供保健咨询时没有工资
Of course the drug companies also play a role in influencing medical education and practice.
当然 医药公司在医学教育和实践方面有一定影响
Ask your doctor when's the last time they were taken out to dinner by Big Broccoli.
It's probably been awhile. It's like smoking in the 50s.
We already had decades of science linking smoking with lung cancer,
在几十年之前 我们已经科学地把吸烟和肺癌联系在了一起
but it was ignored because smoking was normal. Most doctors smoked.
但是这仍然被忽视 因为吸烟已经成为了人们的常态。大多数的医生也吸烟
The average per capita cigarette consumption was 4,000 cigarettes a year,
meaning the average American smoked a half a pack a day.
The American Medical Association was reassuring everyone that smoking--in moderation--was just fine.
美国医学会安慰大家说适度吸烟 是可以的
There was this same disconnect between the science, and public policy.
It took more than 25 years and 7,000 studies before the first Surgeon General report against smoking came out in the 60's.
You'd think maybe after the first 6,000 studies they could have given people a heads up or something? It was a powerful industry.
你可能会想 之前的六千份研究可能会让大家有所警惕吧?或者其他?(然而)这是一个强大的产业
And today's meat, sugar, dairy, salt, egg, and processed food industries
现在的肉 糖 奶 盐 蛋和其他食品加工产业
are using the same tobacco industry tactics to try to twist the science and confuse the public.
正在利用烟草产业的策略歪曲科学 迷惑大众
Until the system changes, we have to take personal responsibility for our own health, for our family's health.
在这个系统改革之前 我们必须对自己的健康负责 为我们家庭成员的健康负责
We can't wait until society catches up to the science again, because it's a matter of life and death.