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BBC环球慢速英语 第139期:Bats 蝙蝠(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Over four million people die from strokes each year. The most common kind of stroke is an ischemic stroke.
  • 每年有超过400万人因中风死亡。最常见的中风是缺血性中风。
  • An ischemic stroke can happen when something blocks one of the blood tubes leading to the brain.
  • 通往大脑的血管被堵住就会引起缺血性中风。
  • These tubes, or arteries, carry blood and oxygen to the brain.
  • 这些血管,或者说这些动脉为大脑运送血液和氧气。
  • So a blocked artery prevents oxygen reaching the brain.
  • 所以,动脉堵塞会导致氧气无法抵达大脑。
  • A 'stroke' is when some of cells in the brain die as a result of the blocked artery.
  • 当大脑的一些细胞因为动脉堵塞而死亡时,就会引发中风。
  • Melissa Welch worked in a store after school.
  • 梅丽莎·韦尔奇放学以后在一家商店工作。
  • One day, she felt sick. It seemed like the room was going round and round.
  • 有一天,她感觉到很不舒服。房间好像一直在转圈。
  • Another worker found Melissa at the back of the store.
  • 另外一名工作人员在商店后面发现了梅丽莎。
  • Melissa was unable to speak. She could not stand up.
  • 当时梅丽莎无法说话。她也不能站起来。
  • A blocked artery was starving her brain of oxygen. Melissa was experiencing the beginnings of a stroke.
  • 动脉阻塞导致她大脑缺氧。梅丽莎当时处于中风的初始阶段。


Voice 2: Over four million people die from strokes each year. The most common kind of stroke is an ischemic stroke. An ischemic stroke can happen when something blocks one of the blood tubes leading to the brain. These tubes, or arteries, carry blood and oxygen to the brain. So a blocked artery prevents oxygen reaching the brain. A 'stroke' is when some of cells in the brain die as a result of the blocked artery.

Voice 1: Melissa Welch worked in a store after school. One day, she felt sick. It seemed like the room was going round and round. Another worker found Melissa at the back of the store. Melissa was unable to speak. She could not stand up. A blocked artery was starving her brain of oxygen. Melissa was experiencing the beginnings of a stroke.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
artery ['ɑ:təri]


n. 动脉,主流,干道

stroke [strəuk]


n. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风,





