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International Women's Day Inspires Strike and Protests
A labour strike dubbed "
Day Without a Woman"
took place across the US on March 8
for International Women's Day.
The protest was organized by the same group that coordinated the historic Women's March in January.
The purpose of this week's labour strike was to demonstrate the importance of gender equality in the workforce.
Women from a variety of sectors,
including Congress,
walked off the job for the day.
Around the world,
other related rallies took place as well,
such as a protest against abortion laws in Ireland and a demonstration again domestic violence in Romania.

3月8日妇女节,全美发生了一次名为“没有女人的日子”(Day Without a Woman)的工人罢工。此次抗议的组织者与一月份具有历史意义的“女性前进”的组织者相同。本周工人罢工的目的是为了彰显工作领域性别平等的重要性。那一天,包括国会在内多个部门的女性都罢工了。世界其他地方也有相关罢工发生,比如,爱尔兰发生了反对堕胎法的抗议,罗马尼亚有反对家庭暴力的游行。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201703/496651.shtml