Hi, everybody.
It's our job as citizens to make sure we keep pushing this country we love towards our most cherished ideals.
作为公民 我们有责任推动祖国向我们理想的方向发展
– that all of us are created equal, all of us deserve an equal shot.
即 人人生而平等 每个人都有同等的机会
This week, my Administration took new steps to bring us a little closer to that goal.
本周 本届政府采取了新的举措让我们朝目标又迈进一步
Almost 50 years ago, Republicans and Democrats in Congress came together to pass the Fair Housing Act.
大约五十年前 两党人士在国会合作通过了公平住房法
It's a law that says landlords can't turn away tenants solely because of their race, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.
该法律禁止房东因种族 信仰 性别 国籍或残疾等原因拒收房客
And it made a difference in this country.