As daunting of a journey as he knew it would be, for him, it was the easiest decision in the world.
After all, who better to implement common sense business approach to this country?
Who better to apply practical solutions to the impractical decision-making of an administration that has bred a $19 trillion debt, one which goes up by $32,000 a second and over $2 billion a day?
Who better to implement common sense tax reductions for one of the highest-taxed nations in the world, allowing our citizens the chance to keep more of what they earn, as opposed to having it squandered away by our inefficient government?

Who better to negotiate the return of countless American manufacturers, like Nabisco and Ford and Carrier, and so many others, back to the United States where they began, than a man who has single-handedly employed tens and tens and tens of thousands of people around the country?
It's time for a president with common sense.
It's time for a president who understands the art of a deal and appreciates the value of a dollar: our tax dollars.
It's time for the president who has always been the one to sign the front of a check, not the back.
Throughout my father's career, he has been repeatedly called on by government to step in, save delayed, shuttered, and grossly over-budget public projects, everything from the exterior of Grand Central Terminal in New York to the iconic old post office in Washington, D.C. , just to name a few.
Back in 1986, the city of New York tried to refurbish a simple ice skating rink in Central Park.
The project dragged on for over six years and blew up to over $13 million, $5 million over an already-inflated budget.
That's when my father, who overlooked this disastrous construction site from his office window each and every day, decided he had to step in.
Disgusted by government incompetence and ineptitude, he invested $2 million of his own money in order to complete the project.
What had taken the city over half a decade to botch, my father completed in less than six months, two months ahead of schedule and over a million dollars under budget.