To the veteran tuning into this speech from his or her hospital, who has been ignored and disrespected by an ungrateful system for far too long, my father is running for you.
To the schoolteacher forced to walk through metal detectors each and every day into an underfunded school, my father is running for you.
To the laborer watching me right now, forced out of job by undocumented workers, illegal immigrants, my father is running for you.

To the oil and gas industry worker denied a job because of radical regulations from a radical EPA, my father is running for you.
To single mothers, to families with special needs children, to middle class families who can no longer afford medical benefits sufficient to cover their everyday needs, my father is running for you.
This November, I ask you to be true to yourself and vote for the candidate who you know is running for the right reasons.
Vote for the candidate who has never been a politician.
Vote for the candidate who has never received a paycheck from our government.