Change will never roll in on the wheels of inevitability It must be carried in on the backs of warriors of love.
变化永远不会载在必然性的车轮上 自动到来必须要有肩负爱的勇士 才能带来变化
See yourself as those warriors Oh, say, can you see.
将你们自己看成这些勇士哦 你可看见
That in this world we have work to do See can't you see that in this world that poverty and its ravages.
这个世界上 我们还有很多工作要做哦 你可看见 在这个世界上 贫穷及其破坏
Can be a day that we only find then in our history books Oh, say, can you see that.
会有一天 我们将只能从历史书上读到哦 你可看见
The blinds that divide us of the race and religion, of Democrat or Republican will one day be the ties that bind us in one destiny, in one nation, in one country.
将我们分裂为不同种族和宗教 分裂为民主或共和的盲目有一天会变为把我们联系成一种宿命 一个民族 一个国家的纽带
Oh, say, can you see a day that everyone of our children.
哦 你可看见有一天我们的每一个孩子
No matter what their background, or how pathways of their excellence they will have opportunities to have privileged educations like this one.
无论出身背景 无论个人经历都将有机会在像耶鲁这样的优秀大学读书
That now are for the favored few, but one day, can be for the abundant all Oh, say, can you see.
今天这里只对少数幸运者开放 但有一天这里会对所有人开放哦 你可看见
A world where indeed as it says in the Torah that righteousness will roll down like water and justice like a mighty stream.
一个实际在摩西五经中就有描述的世界惟愿公平如大水滚滚 使公义如江河滔滔
And dear God if you can see it then be it.
亲爱的上帝 如果你能看到它那么成为它
And if you be it, and somebody dare come up to you as you manifest your truth as you manifest your love.
如果你能成为它 而某人胆敢阻挡你展示你的真实阻挡你展示你的爱
As you manifest your decency and kindness everyday, if someone dare come up to you and say.
You're one of those optimists, those Pollyannish people, those dreamers what you live and what you talk about.
你不过是一个盲目乐观者 一个做白日梦的人你的生活 你所说的
And what you preach, not with words, but with your deeds all of that I think is just a bunch of hooey.
你所宣扬的 不仅是言语 还包括行为所有这些都不过是胡言乱语
It's impossible, I want you to put your hand on your hip and tell them my mama told me, ain't no such thing as impossible.
这是不可能的 我希望你们能把手叉在腰间告诉他们 我妈妈教过我 没有什么是不可能的
God bless you, class of 2013 God bless you.
上帝保佑你们 2013届毕业生上帝保佑你们
God bless you.