Solutions for corporations throughout the world provided by a workforce drawn from a diverse base of former special operations.
"在全球为企业提供安全支持 员工为之前特殊行动的精英
defence intelligence and law enforcement professionals, ready on a moment's notice for global deployment.
情报人员和法律专家随时等待全球的调遣 "灰石
Greystone has used " What are called the briefcase recruiters to recruit people from locales including El Salvador in Columbia to work under layers of subcontracts.
还通过一系列的代理雇佣者招募来自如哥伦比亚萨尔瓦多的当地人 参与了伊拉克的
In Iraq Greystone not only advertises static security but quote "proactive engagement teams" who according to one contractor will do.
各项行动 灰石不仅宣称安全 还提到"特别行动小组"他们 据其中的一位雇佣商说
Everything from special operations to rescue to ransom As this contractor says quote "you name it, if you got the money, they.
可以做一切事情 无论是救援还是赎金 这位雇佣商这样说:"你来说 你拿到钱
Got the honey" although incorporated outside the United States Greystone is managed from the very same Virginia headquarters as.
他们拿到甜头 "尽管灰石的公司在海外 它的指挥中心和黑水一样在
Blackwater Private security is also rapidly becoming private intelligence In the United States 70% of the annual intelligence budget.
弗吉尼亚 私人安全也很快成长为私人情报 美国70%的情报预算
$34Billion goes to private contractors In short private security and private intelligence are incredible growth industries with the kinds of scale involved .
大约340亿美元掌握在私人雇佣商手中总之 私人安全和私人情报发展得十分迅速
I see it as inevitable that corporations and governments around the world will increasingly employ private security.