They would need about 480 FBI agents in Iraq The FBI currently has about 12, 000 agents total So without going into any more detail about this proposal.
在伊拉克他们大概需要480个调查员联邦调查局现在共有大约12 000名雇员不用细想 这个提议
It does not appear realistic that the FBI can staff this project, could integrate it into military, could operate private security of its own in Iraq .
也不是非常现实 FBI不太可能向这些单位提供人员 还有把它算作军事机构在伊拉克可以作为独立的安全机构运作
Or be able to quickly respond to new areas outside of Iraq or Afghanistan that may need investigation That the original plan for the FBI investigation.
Of the Nisour Square shootings called for Blackwater itself to guard the investigators The FBI is also traditionally been a domestic enforcement.
原计划动用黑水公司的员工保护调查员的 传统上FBI是国内执法机构
Agency and is designed as such, the court martial system, in contrast, has been trialling with the military for more than 50 years The practical.
Impediments of prosecutions are at least as equally matched by the political impediments and I don't want to belabour those but having.
这样做遇到的实际困难至少与政治苦难一样多我不想赘述 不过不把临时
Contractors off the books is politically expedient in that their deaths do not count in the officially tally, their crimes may not be easily.
工作人员列入工作人员名单就可以不把他们的死亡计入死亡人员 他们的罪行
Attributable to the United States especially if they're never investigated So at this point some of you may be asking.
Why Iraq or another host country does not simply prosecute contractors itself In the case of Iraq contractors are immune.
或者别的国家不直接惩处犯罪的工作人员 就伊拉克的情况来讲工作人员受2004年六月由Paul