Day in and day out know about the Pygmalion effect? The Pygmalion effect that we are going to talk about
Next week or the week after, shows how teachers' expectations are self fulfilling prophecies.
And if we have high expectations, if we see the seed of greatness in the students,
That seed of greatness is more likely to flourish. Or if we don't appreciate it,
那么这种潜能就更可能被激发或者 如果我们看不到这潜能
It will depreciate wither and die. How many teachers know about these studies?
And how they create through their beliefs the self fulfilling prophecy when it comes to their students?
他们怎样通过自己的信念创造出自我实现的预言 来影响学生?
How many teachers know about Marva Collins? Every teacher in the world on the first day of teacher training
有多少教师了解Marva Collins?每个教师在第一次接受教师培训时
Need to learn about Marva Collins and Pygmalion effect. They don't do that.
需要了解Marva Collins和皮格马利翁效应但事实并非如此
How about this? Self esteem.
How do you increase self esteem? If I have to do a poll here, most people,
你如何提升自尊?如果我在这里做一项民意调查 保证大多数人
Guaranteed, would say praise people. Praise people. Praise children.
会说通过赞美来提升赞美别人 赞美孩子
It will enhance their self esteem. Right. Partially right.
And if it's taken as the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, it's detrimental.
Because there is a lot of research that shows when we praise people indiscriminately,
We are actually in the long run potentially hurting them more than helping them,
我们实际上是在长期地默默地伤害他们 而非帮助他们