Um, yes. For certain, it's a common thing.Common enough, yes.
当然可以 这很正常 十分常见
Prepare a package for Mr. Powell,the Reverend Payne, James Wood or Mosby here,
去为鲍威尔先生或派恩牧师 或詹姆斯·伍德或莫斯比准备一个包裹
to deliver, tomorrow night,to Secretary of State William Seward.
好让他明晚送到 国务卿威廉·西瓦德家里
Number 17 Madison Place, Lafayette Square.Yes, sir. I'll do it.
在麦迪逊广场17号 拉菲特广场 明白了 先生
Mr. Atzerodt, you will check into the Kirkwood tomorrow morning.
阿兹罗特先生 你明早去调查柯克伍德
Vice President Johnson's suite is on the first floor.
No.No? No.I do not wish... I cannot.It is too late, George.
不 你说什么 不 我不想 也不能这么做 太迟了 乔治
We have... all of us, conspired together.To capture, yeah.
这是我们一起密谋策划的 只是去虏获
To kidnap one man, not to murder.
去绑架一个人 而不是谋杀他
This is an act of war, and you are stuck to it.
这是一场战争 你已经没有退路了
It is a tar pit from which you cannot pull away.
And when tomorrow night is through and our deed is done,
we will... all of us, be known as its authors.
I have seen to it.And we will be hailed as heroes.
我能预见到那一刻 我们会被誉为英雄