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木偶奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第48期:说谎长了长鼻子(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I lost them," answered Pinocchio, but he told a lie, for he had them in his pocket.
  • “我丢了!”皮诺乔回答说,他这是说谎,因为他把它们放在了口袋里。
  • As he spoke, his nose, long though it was, became at least two inches longer.
  • 他一说完,本来已经够长的鼻子又长了两寸。
  • "And where did you lose them?"
  • “你在哪儿丢了?”
  • "In the wood near by."
  • “就在这儿附近的树林子里。”
  • At this second lie, his nose grew a few more inches.
  • 这第二句谎话一说,他的鼻子又长了几寸。
  • "If you lost them in the near-by wood," said the Fairy,
  • “你要是在附近那树林子里丢了,”仙女说,
  • "we'll look for them and find them, for everything that is lost there is always found."
  • “咱们去把它们找回来。因为丢在那的东西一般可以找回来。”
  • "Ah, now I remember," replied the Marionette, becoming more and more confused.
  • “啊,现在我想起来了,”木偶回答说,变得越来越让人困惑。
  • "I did not lose the gold pieces, but I swallowed them when I drank the medicine."
  • “我没丢金币,但我刚才喝药水的时候不小心把它们吞下肚子里去了。”
  • At this third lie, his nose became longer than ever, so long that he could not even turn around.
  • 这第三句谎话一说,鼻子变得前所未有的长,为此他连转身都无法做到。
  • If he turned to the right, he knocked it against the bed or into the windowpanes;
  • 如果头往右转,他的鼻子就会碰到床或窗玻璃;
  • if he turned to the left, he struck the walls or the door;
  • 头往左转,鼻子就碰到墙或是房门;
  • if he raised it a bit, he almost put the Fairy's eyes out.
  • 如果他稍微一抬头,鼻子就几乎要插到仙女的眼睛。


"I lost them," answered Pinocchio, but he told a lie, for he had them in his pocket.

As he spoke, his nose, long though it was, became at least two inches longer.
"And where did you lose them?" -"In the wood near by."
At this second lie, his nose grew a few more inches. "If you lost them in the near-by wood," said the Fairy, "we'll look for them and find them, for everything that is lost there is always found."


"Ah, now I remember," replied the Marionette, becoming more and more confused.

"I did not lose the gold pieces, but I swallowed them when I drank the medicine."
At this third lie, his nose became longer than ever, so long that he could not even turn around.
If he turned to the right, he knocked it against the bed or into the windowpanes; if he turned to the left, he struck the walls or the door; if he raised it a bit, he almost put the Fairy's eyes out.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说





