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木偶奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第51期:狐狸和猫(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Pinocchio set out, and as soon as he found himself in the wood, he ran like a hare.
  • 皮诺乔出发了。他一走进树林子,马上就像野兔一样跑起来。
  • When he reached the giant oak tree he stopped, for he thought he heard a rustle in the brush.
  • 可他到了大橡树那儿就停下了,因为他好像听到灌木丛之间有莎莎声。
  • He was right. There stood the Fox and the Cat, the two traveling companions with whom he had eaten at the Inn of the Red Lobster.
  • 他是对的。那里站着狐狸和猫这两个旅行伙伴,皮诺乔曾经和它们一起在红虾旅馆吃过饭。
  • "Here comes our dear Pinocchio!" cried the Fox, hugging and kissing him.
  • “是我们亲爱的皮诺乔!”狐狸叫着,对他又抱又亲,
  • "How did you happen here?""How did you happen here?" repeated the Cat.
  • “你怎么在这儿?” “你怎么在这儿?”猫跟着又说了一遍。
  • "It is a long story," said the Marionette. "Let me tell it to you.
  • “说来话长,”木偶说,“我跟你们讲讲。
  • The other night, when you left me alone at the Inn, I met the Assassins on the road--"
  • 那个夜里,你们丢下我一个人在旅馆。我在路上遇见了两个杀人强盗……”
  • "The Assassins? Oh, my poor friend! And what did they want?"
  • “两个杀人强盗?噢,我可怜的朋友!他们想要什么?”
  • "They wanted my gold pieces."
  • “他们想抢我的金币。”
  • "Rascals!" said the Fox. "The worst sort of rascals!" added the Cat.
  • “恶棍!”狐狸说。“最坏的恶棍!”猫跟着又说了一遍。
  • "But I began to run," continued the Marionette, "and they after me, until they overtook me and hanged me to the limb of that oak."
  • “可我撒腿就逃,”木偶接着说,“他们跟着就追,最后他们追上了我,把我吊在这棵橡树的树枝上面。”
  • Pinocchio pointed to the giant oak near by.
  • 皮诺乔指着近处的大橡树。
  • "Could anything be worse?" said the Fox.
  • “还有比这更糟糕的事吗?”狐狸说。
  • "What an awful world to live in! Where shall we find a safe place for gentlemen like ourselves?"
  • “我们是活在一个多糟糕的世界上啊!我们这些正派人能在哪儿找到一个安全的地方呢?”
  • As the Fox talked thus, Pinocchio noticed that the Cat carried his right paw in a sling.
  • 正在狐狸说话的时候,皮诺乔发现猫的右爪用绷带包着。
  • "What happened to your paw?" he asked.
  • “你的爪子怎么啦?”他问道。
  • The Cat tried to answer, but he became so terribly twisted in his speech that the Fox had to help him out.
  • 猫想回答,可却十分窘于开口,于是狐狸帮它解决了这个困境。


Pinocchio set out, and as soon as he found himself in the wood, he ran like a hare.

When he reached the giant oak tree he stopped, for he thought he heard a rustle in the brush.
He was right. There stood the Fox and the Cat, the two traveling companions with whom he had eaten at the Inn of the Red Lobster.
"Here comes our dear Pinocchio!" cried the Fox, hugging and kissing him. "How did you happen here?"-"How did you happen here?" repeated the Cat.
“是我们亲爱的皮诺乔!”狐狸叫着,对他又抱又亲,“你怎么在这儿?” “你怎么在这儿?”猫跟着又说了一遍。


"It is a long story," said the Marionette. "Let me tell it to you. The other night, when you left me alone at the Inn, I met the Assassins on the road--"

"The Assassins? Oh, my poor friend! And what did they want?" -"They wanted my gold pieces."
“两个杀人强盗?噢,我可怜的朋友!他们想要什么?” “他们想抢我的金币。”
"Rascals!" said the Fox.- "The worst sort of rascals!" added the Cat.
"But I began to run," continued the Marionette, "and they after me, until they overtook me and hanged me to the limb of that oak."Pinocchio pointed to the giant oak near by.
"Could anything be worse?" said the Fox.
"What an awful world to live in! Where shall we find a safe place for gentlemen like ourselves?"As the Fox talked thus, Pinocchio noticed that the Cat carried his right paw in a sling.
"What happened to your paw?" he asked.
The Cat tried to answer, but he became so terribly twisted in his speech that the Fox had to help him out.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛

lobster ['lɔbstə]


n. 龙虾

limb [lim]


n. 枝干,树枝,肢体
vt. 切断(树枝,手

oak [əuk]


n. 橡树,橡木

twisted ['twistid]


adj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)





