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  • Are we being fired?We have heard the chimes of midnight, Master Shallow.
  • 我们被解雇了吗 我们可都听到午夜的钟声了 夏禄先生
  • I'm here to alert you boys that the great day of reckoning is nigh upon us.
  • 我来这是为了告诉你们 胜利的钟声就要敲响
  • The Democrats we've yet to bag, sir.The patronage jobs simply won't bag 'em.
  • 我们还没有把民主党的票收入囊中呢 利诱还远远不够
  • They require more convincing, Mr. President.
  • 他们想要 更有说服力的东西 总统先生
  • Do me a favor, will ya?Sure.
  • 帮我个忙 好吗 当然
  • I snagged my eye in the paper this morning,and Governor Curtin is set to declare a winner in the
  • 我今早看了下报纸 看到科廷州长计划公布
  • disputed Congressional election for the Pennsylvania 16th District.District. What a joy to be comprehended.
  • 在饱受争议的国会选举中的胜出者 宾夕法尼亚16区的 没错 很高兴有人能跟上我的思路
  • Hop on a train to Philadell, call on the Governor Send Latham. Or Schell.
  • 那位议员打算亲自去拜访科廷州长 让莱瑟姆或者谢尔去一趟
  • No, he'll do fine, just polish yourself up first.The incumbent is claiming he won it.
  • 不 他能做好的 好好磨练一番总是能行的 他可是州长钦定的
  • Name of, uh Coffroth.That's him. Coffroth.He is a Democrat. I understand that.Silly name. A little bit silly.
  • 名字是 科夫罗斯 没错 就是他 科夫罗斯 他是个民主党 我知道 这名字真傻 的确有点
  • Huh, Tell Governor Curtin it'd be much appreciated if he'd invite the House of Representatives to decide who won.
  • 告诉科廷州长 如果他能亲自来众议院一趟 就再好不过了
  • He's entitled to do that. He'll agree to it.
  • 他有权这么做 也会这么做
  • Then advise Coffroth, if he hopes to retain his seat,that he'd better pay a visit to Thaddeus Stevens.Oh, pity poor Coffroth.
  • 然后转告那个科夫罗斯 如果他想保住席位 他最好拜访一下塞德斯·史蒂文斯 可怜的科夫罗斯


Are we being fired?We have heard the chimes of midnight, Master Shallow.

我们被解雇了吗 我们可都听到午夜的钟声了 夏禄先生

I'm here to alert you boys that the great day of reckoning is nigh upon us.

我来这是为了告诉你们 胜利的钟声就要敲响

The Democrats we've yet to bag, sir.The patronage jobs simply won't bag 'em.

我们还没有把民主党的票收入囊中呢 利诱还远远不够

They require more convincing, Mr. President.

他们想要 更有说服力的东西 总统先生

Do me a favor, will ya?Sure.

帮我个忙 好吗 当然

I snagged my eye in the paper this morning,and Governor Curtin is set to declare a winner in the

我今早看了下报纸 看到科廷州长计划公布

disputed Congressional election for the Pennsylvania 16th District.District. What a joy to be comprehended.

在饱受争议的国会选举中的胜出者 宾夕法尼亚16区的 没错 很高兴有人能跟上我的思路

Hop on a train to Philadell, call on the Governor Send Latham. Or Schell.

那位议员打算亲自去拜访科廷州长 让莱瑟姆或者谢尔去一趟

No, he'll do fine, just polish yourself up first.The incumbent is claiming he won it.

不 他能做好的 好好磨练一番总是能行的 他可是州长钦定的

Name of, uh Coffroth.That's him. Coffroth.He is a Democrat. I understand that.Silly name. A little bit silly.

名字是 科夫罗斯 没错 就是他 科夫罗斯 他是个民主党 我知道 这名字真傻 的确有点

Huh, Tell Governor Curtin it'd be much appreciated if he'd invite the House of Representatives to decide who won.

告诉科廷州长 如果他能亲自来众议院一趟 就再好不过了

He's entitled to do that. He'll agree to it.

他有权这么做 也会这么做

Then advise Coffroth, if he hopes to retain his seat,that he'd better pay a visit to Thaddeus Stevens.Oh, pity poor Coffroth.

然后转告那个科夫罗斯 如果他想保住席位 他最好拜访一下塞德斯·史蒂文斯 可怜的科夫罗斯

重点单词   查看全部解释    
polish ['pɔliʃ]


n. 光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良
v. 擦亮,磨

district ['distrikt]


n. 区,地区,行政区
vt. 把 ... 划

bitterness ['bitənis]


n. 苦味,悲痛,怨恨

patronage ['pætrənidʒ]


n. 赞助,光顾,任免权

conflict ['kɔnflikt]


n. 冲突,矛盾,斗争,战斗
vi. 冲突,争

shallow ['ʃæləu]


adj. 浅的,薄的
n. 浅滩,浅处

incumbent [in'kʌmbənt]


adj. 凭依的,依靠的,负有义务的 n. 领圣职的俸禄

prompt [prɔmpt]


adj. 迅速的,敏捷的,立刻的
vt. 激起

convincing [kən'vinsiŋ]


adj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 vbl.

pity ['piti]


n. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜
v. 同情,怜悯


关键字: 名人 林肯 传记




