Now the keyboard. The keyboard contains the actual computer and it looks just like a typewriter.
Each piece on the keyboard is called a key.
You have keys for letters, a, b, c, etc, and keys for instructions to the computer.
You have to be able to type if you want to use a computer properly.
Now what have got left? Ah, yes, the 2 floppy discs and the disc drive.
The disc drive is quite simple, it's the part of the system that operates the floppy discs, we say powers the floppy discs.
You put the floppy discs into the disc drive and the disc drive makes them work.
So finally, the two floppy discs.
You need two because the first one contains the program, that is the instructions, and the second is where you type your information and where the program works on this information.
So you really work on the second floppy disc, then, when you are ready to print, the printer takes every thing from the second floppy disc and prints out what you have done.
Now, is that clear? Are there any questions?
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