Learn how to plan and organize projects. When you have a project that will require one or more hours of your time, block out time in your schedule to work on the project. This allows you to focus on your work without distractions.
Do the easy things. Start doing the easy things that will build your confidence such as answering your email, taking out the overflowing garbage, and making the bed. As you build your confidence in doing the little things, you will feel more confident and motivated to do the bigger things.
Push yourself outside your comfort zone. As Dale Carnegie said, “Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.”
Encourage yourself. When you push yourself to do something you know you should do but don’t feel like doing, congratulate yourself. Become your biggest fan.
Make a commitment to overcome procrastination. If you really want to win the procrastination battle to advance your life personally and professionally and improve how you view and feel about yourself, make the commitment that you will become a Do-It-NOW person.
My Challenge
Obviously you are listening to the podcast right now,come back to littlethingsmatter.com.Identify this lesson, print it out. Every one of the last nine points I shared with you, there are links to lessons I've written that will help you better understand these points and implement them.