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  • And you'll be introduced to other tfs we have. We have an amazing team this year. This is Sean.
  • 而你们会被介绍给我们的其他助教 我们今年有支很棒的团队 这就是Sean
  • Hey good morning. Can you guys hear me? Can you hear me now? Great.
  • 嘿 上午好 能听到我吗? 现在能听得到吗? 很好
  • This is absolutely honored to be back teaching positive psychology again. Tal is too humble. This is not only extraordinary that he is sharing his time with us.
  • 能回来再次为积极心理学做助教非常荣幸 Tal太谦虚了 很荣幸他能给我们上课
  • But he's actually moved here back, moved his family back from Israel for the entire semester, -- his wife and his two little children just so he can teach this class with us.
  • 他还把家搬来了 把家从以色列搬到这一整个学期 包括他的妻子和他的两个孩子 只是为了能和我们一起教这门课
  • And this is absolutely an extraordinary opportunity for us to share this moment with them. And I'm really excited about it. Last time we taught this class.
  • 对我们来说能和他们一起共事是个极好的机会 我真的很激动 上一次我们教这门课时
  • We did a survey to find out what type of people were sitting in this room-- they are just like yourselves-- and find out why you'll be taking this class.
  • 我们做了一个调查 看看坐在这上课的都是什么类型的人 他们就像你们一样 看看为什么你们会上这门课
  • Coz the comment that we get so often about this class is why would Harvard students possibly be unhappy? What do they have to be unhappy about?
  • 因为我们得到的关于这门课的评价常常是 为什么哈佛的学生会不幸福? 他们有什么可不快乐的?
  • They thought everyone who'd be taking this class would be taking it because they are already really happy and they want to study about how amazing they are.
  • 他们认为每个上这门课的人会上这门课 是因为他们已经很幸福了 他们想研究自己到底有多棒
  • And they'd like to learn things that they can tell the roommates so clearly that. Themselves. But it turns out actually over a third of people who took this class last year took the class because they felt depressed.
  • 他们想学一些能明白地告诉室友他们得意的东西 但是结果是去年有超过三分之一的人 选这门课是因为他们感觉抑郁
  • And they were trying to learn about the research about positive psychology. And another third because they wanted to learn about optimism. Another third did it for completely different reasons.
  • 他们想学习积极心理学 还有三分之一是因为他们想学会乐观 另外三分之一的原因则完全不同
  • I think. Additional third this year did it because Tal was on the Jon Stewart Daily Show. I am absolutely thrilled about this class. The syllabus which Tal is about to tell you about is..
  • 我想 今年还有三分之一的人选这门课是因为 Tal上了Jon Stewart的Daily Show 我很喜欢这门课 Tal要告诉你们的教学大纲是...
  • Actually we learned a couple of other things about you guys. Did you know that of people who take positive psychology, 75% of you are officers of club.
  • 其实我们了解你们的一些其他事 你知不知道选了积极心理学的人中 有75%的人是俱乐部的干部
  • 35% of you are the highest ranking officers of club, which means that you think there are about 2000 clubs at Harvard, you are in club of three.
  • 35%是俱乐部的高层干部 这意味着 你认为哈佛有大约2000个俱乐部 你在一个只有3个人的俱乐部里


And you'll be introduced to other tfs we have. We have an amazing team this year. This is Sean.

而你们会被介绍给我们的其他助教 我们今年有支很棒的团队 这就是Sean

Hey good morning. Can you guys hear me? Can you hear me now? Great.

嘿 上午好 能听到我吗? 现在能听得到吗? 很好

This is absolutely honored to be back teaching positive psychology again. Tal is too humble. This is not only extraordinary that he is sharing his time with us.

能回来再次为积极心理学做助教非常荣幸 Tal太谦虚了 很荣幸他能给我们上课

But he's actually moved here back, moved his family back from Israel for the entire semester, -- his wife and his two little children just so he can teach this class with us.

他还把家搬来了 把家从以色列搬到这一整个学期 包括他的妻子和他的两个孩子 只是为了能和我们一起教这门课

And this is absolutely an extraordinary opportunity for us to share this moment with them. And I'm really excited about it. Last time we taught this class.

对我们来说能和他们一起共事是个极好的机会 我真的很激动 上一次我们教这门课时

We did a survey to find out what type of people were sitting in this room-- they are just like yourselves-- and find out why you'll be taking this class.

我们做了一个调查 看看坐在这上课的都是什么类型的人 他们就像你们一样 看看为什么你们会上这门课

Coz the comment that we get so often about this class is why would Harvard students possibly be unhappy? What do they have to be unhappy about?

因为我们得到的关于这门课的评价常常是 为什么哈佛的学生会不幸福? 他们有什么可不快乐的?

They thought everyone who'd be taking this class would be taking it because they are already really happy and they want to study about how amazing they are.

他们认为每个上这门课的人会上这门课 是因为他们已经很幸福了 他们想研究自己到底有多棒

And they'd like to learn things that they can tell the roommates so clearly that. Themselves. But it turns out actually over a third of people who took this class last year took the class because they felt depressed.

他们想学一些能明白地告诉室友他们得意的东西 但是结果是去年有超过三分之一的人 选这门课是因为他们感觉抑郁

And they were trying to learn about the research about positive psychology. And another third because they wanted to learn about optimism. Another third did it for completely different reasons.

他们想学习积极心理学 还有三分之一是因为他们想学会乐观 另外三分之一的原因则完全不同

I think. Additional third this year did it because Tal was on the Jon Stewart Daily Show. I am absolutely thrilled about this class. The syllabus which Tal is about to tell you about is..

我想 今年还有三分之一的人选这门课是因为 Tal上了Jon StewartDaily Show 我很喜欢这门课 Tal要告诉你们的教学大纲是...

Actually we learned a couple of other things about you guys. Did you know that of people who take positive psychology, 75% of you are officers of club.

其实我们了解你们的一些其他事 你知不知道选了积极心理学的人中 有75%的人是俱乐部的干部

35% of you are the highest ranking officers of club, which means that you think there are about 2000 clubs at Harvard, you are in club of three.

35%是俱乐部的高层干部 这意味着 你认为哈佛有大约2000个俱乐部 你在一个只有3个人的俱乐部里

重点单词   查看全部解释    
syllabus ['siləbəs]


n. 摘要,大纲

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

optimism ['ɔptimizəm]


n. 乐观,乐观主义

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

depressed [di'prest]


adj. 沮丧的,降低的,不景气的,萧条的,凹陷的,扁平





