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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And there are some studies showing that people who know themselves, who study themselves, who are self-reflective, display less egregious behavior.
  • 有些研究表明了解自己的人 研究自己的人 反思自己的人 对别人做出过分的行为
  • Less immoral behavior toward others. Behavior that would fall under say, racism. And it's counter-intuitive to some extent.
  • 不道德的行为会相对较少 那种比如说种族歧视的行为 在一定程度上这是反直觉的
  • "Wait. Don't you first need to study the other so that you can be more sensitive to others?" Yes, that too.
  • "等等 你难道不要首先研究别人 才能对别人更敏感吗?" 是的 那也需要
  • But it's not enough. It is important to also study ourselves, because when we see our deep nature.
  • 不过还不够 研究我们自己也很重要 因为当我们看到自己的深层本性时
  • What we encounter there is part of the universal nature, the similarities among us all, regardless of where we are from.
  • 我们看到的是部分普遍的本性 我们所有人之间的共性 不管我们来自哪里
  • And this was what Dalai Lama was talking about: not stop cross-cultural. Do it. Important.
  • 而这就是达赖喇嘛所说的 不是阻止跨文化研究 去做吧 很重要
  • But at the same time, not ignore the self. Not ignore the universal within each one of us. C.S. Lewis, "There is one thing and only one in the whole universe
  • 但同时 不要忽视自己 不要忽视我们每一个人身上的普遍性 C.S. Lewis说 "整个宇宙中有且只有一件
  • Which we know about that we could learn from external observation. That one thing is ourselves. We have, so to speak, inside information;
  • 我们知道我们可以从外部观察中学习到的事 那就是我们自己 我们有 可以说是 内在的信息
  • We are in the know." Now there are of course biases when we study ourselves which is why it's not enough to just study the self.
  • 我们是知道的" 当我们研究自己时当然会有偏颇 这就是为什么只研究自己是不够的
  • It's important to counter it, to add to it, academic work, studying others. That's why we'll do some research or study research as well as do some search--
  • 要克服这个问题 把学术工作 研究他人融入进去很重要 那就是为什么我们除了探究我们的内心外
  • Searching inside us. Both are important. We shouldn't, just because there are biases and mistakes that potentially can be made.
  • 也会做一些研究或调查研究 两者并重 我们不应该 只是因为会有潜在的偏颇和错误


And there are some studies showing that people who know themselves, who study themselves, who are self-reflective, display less egregious behavior.

有些研究表明了解自己的人 研究自己的人 反思自己的人 对别人做出过分的行为

Less immoral behavior toward others. Behavior that would fall under say, racism. And it's counter-intuitive to some extent.

不道德的行为会相对较少 那种比如说种族歧视的行为 在一定程度上这是反直觉的

"Wait. Don't you first need to study the other so that you can be more sensitive to others?" Yes, that too.

"等等 你难道不要首先研究别人 才能对别人更敏感吗?" 是的 那也需要

But it's not enough. It is important to also study ourselves, because when we see our deep nature.

不过还不够 研究我们自己也很重要 因为当我们看到自己的深层本性时

What we encounter there is part of the universal nature, the similarities among us all, regardless of where we are from.

我们看到的是部分普遍的本性 我们所有人之间的共性 不管我们来自哪里

And this was what Dalai Lama was talking about: not stop cross-cultural. Do it. Important.

而这就是达赖喇嘛所说的 不是阻止跨文化研究 去做吧 很重要

But at the same time, not ignore the self. Not ignore the universal within each one of us. C.S. Lewis, "There is one thing and only one in the whole universe

但同时 不要忽视自己 不要忽视我们每一个人身上的普遍性 C.S. Lewis说 "整个宇宙中有且只有一件

Which we know about that we could learn from external observation. That one thing is ourselves. We have, so to speak, inside information;

我们知道我们可以从外部观察中学习到的事 那就是我们自己 我们有 可以说是 内在的信息

We are in the know." Now there are of course biases when we study ourselves which is why it's not enough to just study the self.

我们是知道的" 当我们研究自己时当然会有偏颇 这就是为什么只研究自己是不够的

It's important to counter it, to add to it, academic work, studying others. That's why we'll do some research or study research as well as do some search--

要克服这个问题 把学术工作 研究他人融入进去很重要 那就是为什么我们除了探究我们的内心外

Searching inside us. Both are important. We shouldn't, just because there are biases and mistakes that potentially can be made.

也会做一些研究或调查研究 两者并重 我们不应该 只是因为会有潜在的偏颇和错误

重点单词   查看全部解释    
universal [.ju:ni'və:səl]


adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的

sensitive ['sensitiv]


adj. 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的,善解人意的

counter ['kauntə]


n. 计算器,计算者,柜台
[计算机] 计数器

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

observation [.ɔbzə'veiʃən]


n. 观察,观察力,评论
adj. 被设计用来

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界





