“Pokemon Go” Takes World by Storm
A new mobile app by Nintendo called “Pokemon GO” is the latest sensation for gamers. The augmented reality game allows users to hunt for Pokemon at local landmarks which are referred to as “Pokestops”. The game, which has only been available in a few countries for a few days, is getting mixed reviews. Many people feel that it is inappropriate that the game takes users to random public sites, such as the 9/11 Museum or the Holocaust Museum. There are also safety concerns. Children who are tracking down Pokemon could be lured into certain areas by predators. “Pokemon GO” was first released in the US, Australia, and New Zealand, but is already being called the hottest app in the world.
任天堂最新推出的手机应用“Pokemon Go”受到玩家热捧。通过该款增强现实类游戏,玩家可在当地地标建筑中寻找“口袋妖怪”,人们将其称之为“站点”。几天前,“Pokemon Go”刚刚在几个国家发布,人们对它褒贬不一。许多人表示,游戏可带领玩家前往9·11国家纪念博物馆,或大屠杀纪念馆等任意公共场所,此举极为不妥。且还有安全隐患。寻找“口袋妖怪”的儿童很容易被坏人引到指定地点。“Pokemon Go”率先在“美澳新”三国发布,但它早已成为全球最火爆的应用。