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  • Excellent show.We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight.
  • 节目很棒 我们今晚会很开心
  • So much talk about big news about Mcdonald's.I don't know if you heard this.
  • 很多可聊 麦当劳有大新闻 不知道大家是否听说了
  • McDonald's,they've been going through a lot of changes.They've had their problems.-Yeah,yes.
  • 麦当劳最近在经历不少变动 有些问题 是 是的
  • Their business is down too.
  • 他们的生意也不太好
  • Well,Mcdonald's just announced that they are simplifying their menu to speed up service.
  • 麦当劳宣布 他们将简化菜单 以提高服务速度
  • That's the latest.They're gonna speed it up.Speed it up a lot.Yeah.
  • 最新消息 提高服务速度 大大提升服务速度 是的
  • That's why a Mcdonald's spokesperson said because our customers don't have much time left.
  • 被问及原因时 一名麦当劳发言人说 因为我们的客人也活不了多久了
  • That's the problem.We're on the clock.They're not sponsors.
  • 问题出在这里 赶时间啊 反正他们不是赞助商
  • Ford,speaking of companies,ford just recalled almost one million cars for steering problems and because the doors fly open.
  • 福特 说道大公司 福特刚刚召回了近一百万辆汽车 调整驾驶问题和车门突然打开的问题
  • Yeah,which explains chevrolet's new slogan,
  • 嗯 怪不得雪佛兰的新标语是
  • Ford just recalled almost one million cars for steering problems and because the doors fly open.
  • 福特刚刚召回了一百万辆有驾驶问题和车门骤开问题的汽车
  • That's all they had to say. What does that even mean? And there are doors opening?
  • 他们光甩出这句就够了 那是什么意思啊 车门突然就开了吗
  • I just have the doors open this way,In my mind doors opening like that.
  • 我刚刚比划车门往这边开 我心里车门是这样开的
  • I don't think I said nobody opens a car like that since 1920.well,no.
  • 这样的车1920年之后就不出产了吧 是啊
  • Well,you're used to sitting backwards in your limousine.Yeah,that's true.
  • 你一般都坐在豪车后座上 是啊
  • In my stretch prom limo.I don't know if we have any comic book fans here but Marvel,settle down,nerds.
  • 我的加长毕业舞会豪车 不知道在座是否有漫画粉丝 漫威 冷静点 死书呆


Excellent show.We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight.

节目很棒 我们今晚会很开心

So much talk about big news about Mcdonald's.I don't know if you heard this.

很多可聊 麦当劳有大新闻 不知道大家是否听说了

McDonald's,they've been going through a lot of changes.They've had their problems.

麦当劳最近在经历不少变动 有些问题

Their business is down too.


Well,Mcdonald's just announced that they are simplifying their menu to speed up service.

麦当劳宣布 他们将简化菜单 以提高服务速度

That's the latest.They're gonna speed it up.Speed it up a lot.

最新消息 提高服务速度 大大提升服务速度

That's why a Mcdonald's spokesperson said because our customers don't have much time left.

被问及原因时 一名麦当劳发言人说 因为我们的客人也活不了多久了

That's the problem.We're on the clock.They're not sponsors.

问题出在这里 赶时间啊 反正他们不是赞助商

Ford,speaking of companies,ford just recalled almost one million cars for steering problems and because the doors fly open.

福特 说道大公司 福特刚刚召回了近一百万辆汽车 调整驾驶问题和车门突然打开的问题

Yeah,which explains chevrolet's new slogan,

嗯 怪不得雪佛兰的新标语是

Ford just recalled almost one million cars for steering problems and because the doors fly open.


That's all they had to say.what does that even mean?and there are doors opening?

他们光甩出这句就够了 那是什么意思啊 车门突然就开了吗

I just have the doors open this way.In my mind doors opening like that.

我刚刚比划车门往这边开 我心里车门是这样开的

I don't think I said nobody opens a car like that since 1920.well,no.

这样的车1920年之后就不出产了吧 是啊

Well,you're used to sitting backwards in your limousine.Yeah,that's true.

你一般都坐在豪车后座上 是啊

In my stretch prom limo.I don't know if we have any comic book fans here but Marvel,settle down,nerds.

我的加长毕业舞会豪车 不知道在座是否有漫画粉丝 漫威 冷静点 死书呆

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的

limousine ['liməzi:n]


n. 豪华轿车

settle ['setl]


v. 安顿,解决,定居
n. 有背的长凳

engagement [in'geidʒmənt]


n. 婚约,订婚,约会,约定,交战,雇用,(机器零件等)

slogan ['sləugən]


n. 标语,口号

stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的

announced [ə'naunst]



comic ['kɔmik]


n. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素

announce [ə'nauns]


vt. 宣布,宣告,声称,预示
vi. 作播音

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的


关键字: 柯南 脱口秀




