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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I didn't really enjoy Dallas and one of the things I didn't like about it was Dallas,there was no basements in Dallas
  • 我不喜欢达拉斯 我不喜欢达拉斯的一点是 那里没有地下室
  • And so I would go other places when I was a kid.
  • 我小时候会去其他城市
  • Like I would go to Cleveland and in Cleveland people had basements.
  • 我会去克利夫兰 那里人们有地下室
  • They like finish them out and turn them into fancy like theater rooms or workout rooms.
  • 他们装修好地下室 把它们变成华丽丽的地方 像是影音室或者健身房
  • Play ping-pong or whatever.yeah,you can't do that in Dallas. So,
  • 打乒乓球什么的 是啊 在达拉斯你没法这么做
  • My main complaint with Dallas was no basements.
  • 所以我主要对达拉斯不满意的就是没有地下室
  • So,you actually grew up thinking I wish I could live in Cleveland?Yes
  • 你长大的时候真的想着 我希望我能住在克利夫兰吗 是的
  • Yeah,I loved Cleveland.I was like oh,this is the city for me.
  • 我爱克利夫兰 我觉得那就是适合我住的城市
  • Yeah. This place,cowtown but that place,Cleveland has basements.
  • 这地方 牛城 但那里 克利夫兰有地下室
  • what about New York? New York's gotta be incredibly fantastic for you.
  • 那纽约呢 你一定觉得纽约特别好
  • Yeah,well,there are a lot of basements,which is nice.
  • 是啊 纽约有很多地下室 挺不错的
  • You have to get a criteria other than basements.
  • 你的标准不能只是地下室啊
  • Well, here's a thing I will say that's the tough thing now as an adult man who's single.
  • 有件事 作为一个成年单身男子 我觉得这有点难办
  • It's very difficult for me to go look for an apartment and be like,what's your basement situation like?
  • 我很难去看一间公寓 然后问 你家的地下室是什么情况
  • I got some stuff I got to do.Can you hear yelling from inside the apartment.
  • 我要做一些事情 在公寓里能听到从那里传来喊声吗
  • Can anyone get out of the basement? What about ventilation? How is ventilation?
  • 人们能逃出地下室吗 通风情况怎么样
  • I like living in Brooklyn.I live in a brownstone.I'm sorry. I have a stoop
  • 我喜欢住在布鲁克林 我住在褐砂石房屋里 我有个小门廊
  • and I like to sit on a stoop and that's fun because you can watch people go by.
  • 我喜欢坐在小门廊上 因为你可以看着人们经过
  • It's just nice.I try every now and again to see if I can start a barbershop quartet or something.It doesn't really work out.
  • 那挺好的 我经常尝试 看看我能不能搞一个理发店四重唱 并不行


I didn't really enjoy Dallas and one of the things I didn't like about it was Dallas,there was no basements in Dallas

我不喜欢达拉斯 我不喜欢达拉斯的一点是 那里没有地下室

And so I would go other places when I was a kid.


Like go to Cleveland and in Cleveland people had basements.

我会去克利夫兰 那里人们有地下室

They like finish them out and turn them into fancy like theater rooms or workout rooms.

他们装修好地下室 把它们变成华丽丽的地方 像是影音室或者健身房

Play ping-pong or whatever.yeah,you can't do that in Dallas.So,

打乒乓球什么的 是啊 在达拉斯你没法这么做

My main complaint with Dallas was no basements.


So you actually grew up thinking I wish I could live in Cleveland?Yes

你长大的时候真的想着 我希望我能住在克利夫兰吗 是的

Yeah, I loved Cleveland.I was like oh,this is the city for me.

我爱克利夫兰 我觉得那就是适合我住的城市

This place,cowtown but that place,Cleveland has basements.

这地方 牛城 但那里 克利夫兰有地下室

what about New York?New York's gotta be incredibly fantastic for you.

那纽约呢 你一定觉得纽约特别好

Yeah,well,there are a lot of basements,which is nice.

是啊 纽约有很多地下室 挺不错的

You have to get a criteria other than basements.


Well, here's a thing I will say that's the tough thing now as an adult man who's single.

有件事 作为一个成年单身男子 我觉得这有点难办

It's very difficult for me to go look for an apartment and be like,what's your basement situation like?

我很难去看一间公寓 然后问 你家的地下室是什么情况

I got some stuff I got to do.I got some stuff I got to do.Can you hear yelling from inside the apartment.

我要做一些事情 在公寓里能听到从那里传来喊声吗

Can anyone get out of the basement?how about ventilation?

人们能逃出地下室吗 通风情况怎么样

I like living in Brooklyn.I live in a brownstone.I have a stoop

我喜欢住在布鲁克林 我住在褐砂石房屋里 我有个小门廊

and I like to sit on a stoop and that's fun because you can watch people go by.

我喜欢坐在小门廊上 因为你可以看着人们经过

It's nice.I try every now and again to see if I can start a barbershop quartet or something.It doesn't really work out.

那挺好的 我经常尝试 看看我能不能搞一个理发店四重唱 并不行

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

dismiss [dis'mis]


vt. 解散,开除,逃避,(法律)驳回

din [din]


n. 喧嚣 v. 絮聒不休地说,暄闹 abbr. 德国工

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

import [im'pɔ:t]


n. 进口,进口商品,意义
v. 进口,输入

basement ['beismənt]


n. 根基,地下室

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会


关键字: 柯南 脱口秀




