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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • One perspicacious and thorough account of the position on torture in the Jewish legal tradition has been advanced by Rabbi Melissa Weintraub,
  • 拉比对犹太法对虐待的立场做出了有见解而又透彻的描述
  • during her tenure as director of education of organising for the north American chapter of rabbis for human rights, rabbi Weintraub produced articles arguing from Halakha against the notion
  • 在她任教育署长期间写出了以哈拉卡为理论依据 反对认为虐待或者不人道行为可以政策化
  • that torture or cruel inhuman and degrading treatment should ever be permitted as policy or a routine part of any interrogation program she has argued this point on several different grounds,
  • 或者成为审问过程中不可或缺的一部分她从不同的角度对这个问题进行了探讨
  • from the ban in Jewish law on self-incrimination to the supreme important of the dignity of creative beings.
  • 从犹太法律里对自证其罪行为的禁止 以及犹太人对上帝造物的尊重
  • For the moment though I would like to focus on her arguments with respect to the claim that torture may be necessary to save lives.
  • 现在我想集中关注她对于虐待有可能是拯救生命的必要手段的看法
  • Weintraub perceives rightly that this claim on behalf of torture's really, defence in the legal sense of the word, a post-facto claim intended to exculpate the torturer, this makes it somewhat analogous to the Rodef defence in Jewish law,
  • 她很敏感地认识到这种站在支持施虐立场上的看法是一种事后回溯的生命 旨在为施虐者开脱 这使得它跟犹太法里的Rodef 辩护有可类比处
  • the claim that one should be exonerated from an assault, even to the point of killing because the victim was a Rodef or a pursuer who was chasing an innocent third party with intent to murder them. The principle or Rodef actually
  • 也就是袭击者或者杀人者可以免罪 因为受害者的目标是无辜的第三方 并且目的是要杀死第三方其实Rodef辩护里的原则还要更进一步
  • goes further, actively requiring bystanders to intervene, when they can I quote Weintraub here 'use preventative force to thwart acts of rape or murder transpiring before their eyes'.
  • 要求在场的第三方干涉 当 这里我引用Weintraub "他们能够采取阻止性措施制止发生在眼前的强奸或者谋杀"
  • The concern his is both to save the potential victim and to prevent the aggressor from transgressing a prohibition this defence is one of only three exceptions to the otherwise absolute prohibition on taking life in Jewish law.
  • 这里既旨在拯救可能的受害者同时还有阻止罪犯僭越 这项辩护是犹太法律中绝对禁止夺取生命的三个例外之一
  • The other two are self-defence and court decreed capital punishment, each of which has a number of restrictions placed on it, in its own right.
  • 另外两个是滋味和受法律保护的死刑每一种情况的发生都要受到诸多条件的限制


One perspicacious and thorough account of the position on torture in the Jewish legal tradition has been advanced by Rabbi Melissa Weintraub,


during her tenure as director of education of organising for the north American chapter of rabbis for human rights, rabbi Weintraub produced articles arguing from Halakha against the notion

在她任教育署长期间写出了以哈拉卡为理论依据 反对认为虐待或者不人道行为可以政策化

that torture or cruel inhuman and degrading treatment should ever be permitted as policy or a routine part of any interrogation program she has argued this point on several different grounds,


from the ban in Jewish law on self-incrimination to the supreme important of the dignity of creative beings.

从犹太法律里对自证其罪行为的禁止 以及犹太人对上帝造物的尊重

For the moment though I would like to focus on her arguments with respect to the claim that torture may be necessary to save lives.


Weintraub perceives rightly that this claim on behalf of torture's really, defence in the legal sense of the word, a post-facto claim intended to exculpate the torturer, this makes it somewhat analogous to the Rodef defence in Jewish law,

她很敏感地认识到这种站在支持施虐立场上的看法是一种事后回溯的生命 旨在为施虐者开脱 这使得它跟犹太法里的Rodef 辩护有可类比处

the claim that one should be exonerated from an assault, even to the point of killing because the victim was a Rodef or a pursuer who was chasing an innocent third party with intent to murder them. The principle or Rodef actually

也就是袭击者或者杀人者可以免罪 因为受害者的目标是无辜的第三方 并且目的是要杀死第三方其实Rodef辩护里的原则还要更进一步

goes further, actively requiring bystanders to intervene, when they can I quote Weintraub here 'use preventative force to thwart acts of rape or murder transpiring before their eyes'.

要求在场的第三方干涉 当 这里我引用Weintraub "他们能够采取阻止性措施制止发生在眼前的强奸或者谋杀"

The concern his is both to save the potential victim and to prevent the aggressor from transgressing a prohibition this defence is one of only three exceptions to the otherwise absolute prohibition on taking life in Jewish law.

这里既旨在拯救可能的受害者同时还有阻止罪犯僭越 这项辩护是犹太法律中绝对禁止夺取生命的三个例外之一

The other two are self-defence and court decreed capital punishment, each of which has a number of restrictions placed on it, in its own right.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
assault [ə'sɔ:lt]


n. 攻击,突袭
vt. 袭击,突袭

analogous [ə'næləgəs]


adj. 类似的

perspicacious [.pə:spi'keiʃəs]


adj. 颖悟的,聪明的,有洞察力的

supreme [sju:'pri:m]


adj. 最高的,至上的,极度的

exculpate ['ekskʌlpeit]


vt. 为某人开脱,证明无罪

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

thwart [θwɔ:t]


adj. 横~ v. 反对,阻碍 adv. 横过

thorough ['θʌrə]


adj. 彻底的,完全的,详尽的,精心的

routine [ru:'ti:n]


n. 例行公事,常规,无聊
adj. 常规的,

claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物





