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趣味建议React 第15期:怎么向父母解释Youtube网站

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Mega Benjiman wants to know:
  • 大本杰明想知道:
  • "How to explain to my parents what YouTube is?"
  • “怎么向父母解释优兔网是什么?”
  • Randomness! Randomness! It's literally all random.
  • 随机性!随机性!从字面上来说是都是随机的。
  • Get on the computer, get into YouTube, and show them.
  • 打开电脑,进入优兔网,展示给他们看。
  • Can't you just show them a video? That's probably one of the good, easiest routes.
  • 直接给他们看视频不行吗?这可能是最好最简便的方法之一。
  • We have an old saying in our family, "Showing's better than telling."
  • 我们家有句老话:“展示比说更好。”
  • I would just pull out an iPhone or Samsung, or whatever you've got, and go to YouTube.
  • 我会拿出苹果手机或三星手机或其他手机,进入优兔网。
  • Find a couple of really good, funny videos and show them on the YouTube.
  • 在优兔网上找几个有趣的视频给他们看。
  • Show them, you know? Turn on The Finebros, turn on the React channel, show them a couple episodes. They'll love it.
  • 展示给他们看。打开The Finebros频道,打开React频道,给他们看几期节目。他们会喜欢的。
  • Say it's a wonderful place full of wonderful content and wonderful people.
  • 你就说那是充满精彩内容和优秀人士的地方。
  • You could say, "Oh, this is like a place where people video stuff, and then they put it on something called YouTube."
  • 你可以说,“哦,人们会拍一些视频,然后上传到优兔网上。”
  • A website they can watch people videotape themselves, and you can watch it for your free enjoyment.
  • 那是一个可以观看人们自拍视频的网站,这些视频可以免费观看,还会带来快乐。
  • You can tell your parents that YouTube is a website on the internet, in which there are tons of videos about all different types of things.
  • 你可以告诉你的父母,优兔网是一个有大量视频的网站,上面的视频涵盖各种类型。
  • There are people that vlog things. There are music videos. There are news channel things on there.
  • 优兔网上有人们的视频博客,音乐视频,还有新闻频道。
  • It is TV on the internet.
  • 优兔网是网上的电视。
  • Say it's like TV but on a smaller screen. INTERNET! #TeamInternet.
  • 你可以说优兔网就像小屏幕的电视。互联网!标签TeamInternet。
  • Bo Jangles wants to know:
  • 博·章格斯想知道:
  • "I'm an adult and I still hate vegetables. How do I make myself eat healthier?"
  • “我已经是成年人了,可是我仍然不喜欢吃蔬菜。我怎么能让自己吃得更健康?”
  • If you like burgers, you can say like, "I want a veggie burger." Then, if you don't burgers, you can eat veggie hot dogs.
  • 如果你喜欢汉堡,你可以说,“我要一个素汉堡”。如果你不喜欢吃汉堡,你可以吃素热狗。
  • You could eat fruit. You don't always have to eat vegetables.
  • 你可以吃水果。你不一定非要吃蔬菜。
  • There's other things that aren't vegetables that are healthy. Like, you can eat fruits, of course.
  • 除了蔬菜以外,还有很多健康的食物。比如,你可以吃水果。
  • Find some vegetables you like. There must be some. Keep exploring. You'll find some you like.
  • 找到你喜欢吃的蔬菜。一定有你喜欢吃的蔬菜。所以你要坚持寻找。你会找到你喜欢的蔬菜的。
  • Just start slow. Start with just a few vegetables, and just ease your way into a healthier way of eating.
  • 慢慢开始吃蔬菜。开始时你可以少吃些蔬菜,然后慢慢开始健康的饮食方式。
  • Maybe it's the way it's being prepared. Maybe your parents have not been preparing it correctly.
  • 也许是烹饪的方法不对。可能你父母烹饪蔬菜的方法不太对。
  • How do you hate vegetables?! Maybe you're not cooking them correctly.
  • 你为什么讨厌蔬菜?也许你烹饪的方法不太对。
  • Don't eat them raw. Like, learn the different, cute recipes, how to roast them.
  • 不要生吃蔬菜。去学不一样的美味食谱吧,学习如何烤蔬菜。
  • You need to put a little bit of garlic, a little bit of salt on those veggies, and maybe they'll taste better.
  • 你要在蔬菜里加些大蒜和盐,这样味道会更好些。
  • Try to get a juicer. Those are pretty cool. You put like, the vegetables and you mix it with fruit.
  • 买个榨汁机。这个非常酷。把蔬菜和水果混合在一起榨汁。
  • At first, it sounds disgusting, but it's not actually too bad.
  • 开始时可能感觉很恶心,不过其实没有那么糟。
  • You can make smoothies. Like, if you put kale, celery, whatever type of vegetable you want in the smoothie-eating healthy, and it tastes good.
  • 你可以做冰沙。在冰沙里放羽衣甘蓝、芹菜等你想吃的蔬菜,这样吃不仅健康而且味道很不错。
  • Trick yourself into eating healthy. What I usually do is I cover carrots in, like, I smother them in hummus, chocolate sauce, whatever I can find.
  • 假设自己饮食很健康。通常我会在胡萝卜上放鹰嘴豆泥、巧克力酱等我能找到的酱料。
  • Think the carrot. Think it tastes like...think it tastes like a French fry.
  • 假设胡萝卜的味道像薯条。
  • Vegetables are all good and stuff, but, honestly, I don't like 'em either.
  • 蔬菜是好东西,不过说实话,我也不喜欢吃蔬菜。
  • So what I try to do is I just scarf them down as quick as I can, throw a lot of salt on them.
  • 所以我会以最快的速度把蔬菜吞下去,在蔬菜里放很多盐。
  • Bad for the heart, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • 虽然这样做对心脏不好,不过你还是要做你该做的事。


The Mega Benjiman wants to know:

"How to explain to my parents what YouTube is?"
Randomness! Randomness! It's literally all random.
Get on the computer, get into YouTube, and show them.
Can't you just show them a video? That's probably one of the good, easiest routes.
We have an old saying in our family, "Showing's better than telling." I would just pull out an iPhone or Samsung, or whatever you've got, and go to YouTube.
Find a couple of really good, funny videos and show them on the YouTube.
Show them, you know? Turn on The Finebros, turn on the React channel, show them a couple episodes. They'll love it.
展示给他们看。打开The Finebros频道,打开React频道,给他们看几期节目。他们会喜欢的。
Say it's a wonderful place full of wonderful content and wonderful people.
You could say, "Oh, this is like a place where people video stuff, and then they put it on something called YouTube."
A website they can watch people videotape themselves, and you can watch it for your free enjoyment.
You can tell your parents that YouTube is a website on the internet, in which there are tons of videos about all different types of things. There are people that vlog things. There are music videos. There are news channel things on there.
It is TV on the internet.
Say it's like TV but on a smaller screen. INTERNET! (chuckles) #TeamInternet.
Bo Jangles wants to know:
"I'm an adult and I still hate vegetables. How do I make myself eat healthier?"
If you like burgers, you can say like, "I want a veggie burger." Then, if you don't burgers, you can eat veggie hot dogs.
You could eat fruit. You don't always have to eat vegetables.
There's other things that aren't vegetables that are healthy. Like, you can eat fruits, of course.
Find some vegetables you like. There must be some. Keep exploring. You'll find some you like.
Just start slow. Start with just a few vegetables, and just ease your way into a healthier way of eating.
Maybe it's the way it's being prepared. Maybe your parents have not been preparing it correctly.
How do you hate vegetables?! Maybe you're not cooking them correctly. Don't eat them raw. Like, learn the different, cute recipes, how to roast them.
You need to put a little bit of garlic, a little bit of salt on those veggies, and maybe they'll taste better.
Try to get a juicer. Those are pretty cool. You put like, the vegetables and you mix it with fruit. At first, it sounds disgusting, but it's not actually too bad.
You can make smoothies. Like, if you put kale, celery, whatever type of vegetable you want in the smoothie-eating healthy, and it tastes good.
Trick yourself into eating healthy. What I usually do is I cover carrots in, like, I smother them in hummus, chocolate sauce, whatever I can find.
Think the carrot. Think it tastes like...think it tastes like a French fry.
Vegetables are all good and stuff, but, honestly, I don't like 'em either. So what I try to do is I just scarf them down as quick as I can, throw a lot of salt on them. Bad for the heart, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

react [ri'ækt]


vt. 作出反应
vi. 起反应,起作用,反攻

scarf [skɑ:f]


n. 围巾

smother ['smʌðə]


v. 使 ... 喘不过气,使 ... 窒息,掩饰,扼杀



n. 随意;无安排;不可测性

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随


关键字: Youtube React 趣味建议




